September 2016 ARTICLE LIST >>
PharmaTutor (September - 2016)
Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 4, Issue 9)
Received On: 07/04/2016; Accepted On: 02/05/2016; Published On: 01/09/2016
V.T.Iswariya*, A.Hariomprakash Rao, K. Sri Jahnavi, A.Sravanthi, P.Deepa, K.Samatha
M.R.R. College of Pharmacy,
Nadergul, Andhra Pradesh, India
ABSTRACT: The technique of Solid dispersion and sublimation techniques are a promising method towards enhancing the dissolution of poorly soluble drugs. The main objective of Resperidone mouth dissolving tablets is to enhance the solubility. Several formulations of solid dispersion and sublimating tablets were prepared by using different ratio of drug sublimating agent (Camphor) and carriers (PEG 4000, Polaxomer, Mannitol). The prepared Solid dispersion and sublimating tablets were evaluated for their flow properties such as bulk density, tapped density, angle of repose, Carr’s index and Hausner’s ratio. The interaction between drug and excipients were studied by FTIR. In vitro dissolution profiles of the solid dispersion and sublimation formulations were studied and compared between sublimation and solid dispersion formulation. Among all formulations SD2 formulation was shown maximum drug release in less time.
How to cite this article: Iswariya VT, Rao AH, Jahnavi KS, Sravanthi A, Deepa P, Samatha K; Formulation and evaluation of Oro Disintigrating tablets of Resperidone by using Sublimation and Solid Dispersion Technique; PharmaTutor; 2016; 4(9); 46-54

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