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Spurious Drugs / Counterfeit Drugs - An Overview

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PharmaTutor (October- 2015)


Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 3, Issue 10)


Received On: 20/05/2015; Accepted On: 15/06/2015; Published On: 01/10/2015


AUTHORS: Dhiraj Yadav
M.S. Pharm (Medicinal chemistry),
NIPER, Raebareli


The Drug and Cosmetic Act 1940 and Rules 1945, a central legislation regulating the manufacture, sale, and quality of drugs and formulations in India provide definition of 'Spurious Drug' under its section 17-B.
- If it is manufactured under a name which belongs to another drug
- If it is imitation of, or is a substitute for, another drug or resembles another drug in a manner likely to deceive or bears upon it or upon its label or container the name of another drug unless it is plainly and conspicuously marked so as to reveal its true character and its lacks of identity with such other drug
- If the label or container bears the name of an individual or company purporting to be manufacturer of the drug; which individual or company is fictitious or does not exist
- It has been substituted wholly or in part by another drug or substance or
- If it purports to be the product of manufacturer of whom it is not truly a product.


How to cite this article: D Yadav; Spurious Drugs / Counterfeit Drugs - An Overview; PharmaTutor; 2015; 3(10); 13-15