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Specifications for Starting Materials, Intermediates and Finished Products

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PharmaTutor (November - 2016)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 4, Issue 11)


Received On: 03/06/2016; Accepted On: 21/06/2016; Published On: 01/11/2016


Nirav R.Soni,
Dept.of Qualtiy Assurance (QA)
A-one Pharmacy college,Enasan, Gujarat, India



ABSTRACT: The specifications are to assure that each unit has the value of drug claimed on the label, that all the drug in each unit is out there for whole use, that the drug steady  within the formula in its certain final container for their expected shelf life and it’s having no toxic overseas substance. It’s greatly utilized in pharmaceutical enterprise and utilized by using wellness sector and support best which is finished via GMP, GLP and GCP and other organization including Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS) , Quality Risk Management (QRM)  and Quality by Design (QbD).


How to cite this article: Soni N; Specifications for Starting Materials, Intermediates and Finished Products; PharmaTutor; 2016; 4(11); 21-26