PharmaTutor (November- 2015)
Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 3, Issue 11)
Received On: 20/09/2015; Accepted On: 27/09/2015; Published On: 01/11/2015
AUTHORS: Vikram S. Chauhan1*, Bina Rani2, Priyanka Bishnoi3, Raaz K. Maheshwari3
1Department of Botany, SBRM Govt PG College, Nagaur, Rajasthan, India
2Department of Engineering chemistry & Environmental Engineering, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur, India
3Department of Chemistry, SBRM Government PG College, Nagaur, Rajasthan, India
*vikkysingh2000@yahoo.com; rkmgreenchem.jaipur@gmail.com
ABSTRACT: With the advent of modern times, stress and pollution have led to major effect on rise of death toll due to chronic diseases. Such diseases are major cause of concern for the medical society. Lycopene, a carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes and its products has antioxidant properties due to the presence of numerous double bonds. Increased consumption of lycopene containing diet has been proposed to offer a protection against many types of cancers and cardio-vascular diseases. Its potential role as nutraceutical has been suggested in many studies. The present review deals with fundamental biochemistry, bio-availability and benefits of lycopene rich diet and its relation with some chronic diseases like various forms of cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
How to cite this article: Chauhan VS, Rani B, Bishnoi P, Maheshwari RK; Tomato Cuisines: A delectable rejoinder to threat of chronic ailments?; PharmaTutor; 2015; 3(11); 36-39

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