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Japanese Patent Classification: An Auxiliary Tool in Patent Analytics

pharma courses



PharmaTutor (November- 2013)


Received On: 05/10/2013; Accepted On: 15/10/2013; Published On: 25/11/2013


Arun Kumar
Department of Intellectual Property Management,
Nectar Lifesciences Limited, Chandigarh, Punjab, India,


ABSTRACT: With advancements in technology, new inventions are emerging day-by-day, resulting in more number of patent filings all over the globe. The analysis of existing patents to analyze novelty or patentability of upcoming inventions and to check the non-infringing process of the patented technology, there is need to analyze patents of targeted domain technology. The analysis of patents is done not only to analyze novelty or infringement but also to explore the undiscovered innovative knowledge covered in patents. Patent searching using keywords, sometimes, gives very broad results. The analysis of thousands of patents becomes difficult for patent analyst. The methodology used with IPC (International Patent Classification) codes helps to reduce the result of patent search and helps patent analyst in targeted search. But in case of Japanese patent search, IPC alone unable to give targeted results. Then it becomes important to understand the concept of JPC (Japanese Patent Classification) codes and their use to make the Japanese patent search easy. The Japanese Patent Classification includes File Index, Facets and F-term. In this article, Japanese Patent Classification codes are explained in details with their consequences, applications, constructions and search methodology using them.


How to cite this article: Kumar A, Japanese Patent Classification: An Auxiliary Tool in Patent Analytics, PharmaTutor, 2013, 1(1), 22-28