PharmaTutor (May- 2015)
Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 3, Issue 5)
Received On: 22/01/2015; Accepted On: 03/03/2015; Published On: 01/05/2015
AUTHORS: Shete Reshma S.1*, Gadhave Manoj V.2, Gaikwad D. D.3
1Department of Quality Assurance Techniques,
2Department of Pharmaceutics,
3Department of Pharmaceutics,
VJSM’S Vishal institute of pharmaceutical education and research, Ale, Pune, Maharashtra, 412411
ABSTRACT: Simvastatin is a poorly soluble drug exhibiting poor dissolution pattern. Simvastatin, PEG 6000 & Poloxamer 407 solid dispersions were prepared with a view to study the influence of polymer on solubility and dissolution of this poorly soluble drug Simvastatin. Solid dispersions of Simvastatin were prepared using different ratios of PEG 6000 & Poloxamer 407 as carrier by, solvent evaporation method. They were evaluated for percentage yield, drug content, FTIR spectral studies, DSC, XRD, solubility, and in-vitro dissolution. The solubility profile indicated that there is increase in solubility of Simvastatin when polymer concentration is increased. The solid dispersion complex of drug (1:5:5 ratios) was giving better dissolution profile as compared to pure drug and other solid dispersions. This in turn can improve the bioavailability. FT-IR, DSC shows the compatibility of drug and carrier.
How to cite this article: RS Shete, MV Gadhave, DD Gaikwad; Enhancement of solubility and dissolution rate of Simvastatin by Ternary Solid Dispersion Technique; PharmaTutor; 2015; 3(5); 36-41

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