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26. Cho, N. H.; Park, Y. K.; Kim, Y. T.; Yang, H.; Kim, S. K. Lifetime expression of stem cell markers in the uter¬ine endometrium. Fertil. Steril., 2004, 81:403–407.
27. Schwab, K. E.; Chan, R. W.; Gargett, C. E. Putative stem cell activity of human endometrial epithelial and stromal cells during the menstrual cycle. Fertil. Steril. 2005, 84:1124– 1130.
28. Cui, C. H.; Uyama, T.; Miyado, K.; Terai, M.; Kyo, S.; Kiyono, T.; Umezawa, A. Menstrual blood-derived cells confer human dystrophin expression in the murine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy via cell fusion and myo¬genic transdifferentiation. Mol. Biol. Cell, 2007, 18:1586–1594.
29. Kearns, M.; Lala, P. K. Bone marrow origin of decidual cell precursors in the pseudopregnant mouse uterus. J. Exp. Med. 1982, 155:1537–1554.
30. Schwab, K. E.; Gargett, C. E. Co-expression of two peri¬vascular cell markers isolates mesenchymal stem-like cells from human endometrium. Hum. Reprod. 2007, 22:2903–2911.
31. Taylor, H. S. Endometrial cells derived from donor stem cells in bone marrow transplant recipients. JAMA 2004, 292: 81–85.
32. Gargett, C. E. Identification and characterization of hu¬man endometrial stem/progenitor cells. Aust. NZ J. Obs¬tet. Gynaecol. 2006, 46:250–253.
33. Greco, S. J.; Liu, K.; Rameshwar, P. Functional similari¬ties among genes regulated by OCT4 in human mesenchy¬mal and embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells, 2007, 25:3143–3154.
34. Yao, S.; Chen, S.; Clark, J.; Hao, E.; Beattie, G. M.; Hayek, A.; Ding, S. Long-term self-renewal and directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells in chemi¬cally defined conditions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2006, 103: 6907–6912.
35. Toma, C.; Pittenger, M. F.; Cahill, K. S.; Byrne, B. J.; Kessler, P. D. Human mesenchymal stem cells differenti¬ate to a cardiomyocyte phenotype in the adult murine heart. Circulation, 2002, 105:93–98.
36. Vilquin, J. T.; Rosset, P. Mesenchymal stem cells in bone and cartilage repair: Current status. Regen. Med. 2006, 1:589– 604.
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38. Cui, C. H.; Uyama, T.; Miyado, K.; Terai, M.; Kyo, S.; Kiyono, T.; Umezawa, A. Menstrual blood-derived cells confer human dystrophin expression in the murine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy via cell fusion and myo¬genic transdifferentiation. Mol. Biol. Cell, 2007, 18:1586–1594.
39. Cho, N. H.; Park, Y. K.; Kim, Y. T.; Yang, H.; Kim, S. K. Lifetime expression of stem cell markers in the uter¬ine endometrium. Fertil. Steril. 2004, 81:403–407.
40. Mattai, C.; Horvat, R.; Noe, M.; Nagele, F.; Radjabi, A.; Van Trotsenburg, M.; Huber, J.; Kolbus, A. Oct-4 expres¬sion in human endometrium. Mol. Hum. Reprod, 2006, 12:7–10.
41. Gargett, C. E. Identification and characterization of hu¬man endometrial stem/progenitor cells. Aust. NZ J. Obs¬tet. Gynaecol. 2006, 46:250–253.
42. Henderson, J. K.; Draper, J. S.; Baillie, H. S.; Fishel, S.; Thomson, J. A.; Moore, H.; Andrews, P. W. Preimplanta¬tion human embryos and embryonic stem cells show com-parable expression of stage-specific embryonic antigens. Stem Cells, 2002, 20:329–337.
43. Le Blanc, K. Immunomodulatory effects of fetal and adult mesenchymal stem cells. Cytotherapy, 2003, 5:484–489.
44. Ludwig, T. E.; Levenstein, M. E.; Jones, J. M.; Berggren, W. T.; Mitchen, E. R.; Frane, J. L.; Crandall, L. J.; Daigh, C. A.; Conard, K. R.; Piekarczyk, M. S.; Llanas, R. A.; Thomson, J. A. Derivation of human embryonic stem cells in defined conditions. Nat. Biotechnol. 2006, 24:185–187.
45. Mattai, C.; Horvat, R.; Noe, M.; Nagele, F.; Radjabi, A.; Van Trotsenburg, M.; Huber, J.; Kolbus, A. Oct-4 expres¬sion in human endometrium. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 2006, 12:7–10.
46. Minguell, J. J.; Erices, A.; Conget, P. Mesenchymal stem cells. Exp. Biol. Med. 2001, 226:507–520.
47. Nandoe Tewarie, R. D.; Hurtado, A.; Levi, A. D.; Groten¬huis, J. A.; Oudega, M. Bone marrow stromal cells for repair of the spinal cord: Towards clinical application. Cell Transplant. 2006, 15:563–577.
48. Patel, A. N.; Geffner, L.; Vina, R. F.; Saslavsky, J.; Urschel, Jr., H. C.; Kormos, R.; Benetti, F. Surgical treat¬ment for congestive heart failure with autologous adult stem cell transplantation: A prospective randomized study. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 2005, 130:1631–1638.
49. Schwab, K. E.; Chan, R. W.; Gargett, C. E. Putative stem cell activity of human endometrial epithelial and stromal cells during the menstrual cycle. Fertil. Steril. 2005, 84:1124– 1130.