June 2018 ARTICLE LIST >>
PharmaTutor (June - 2018)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 6, Issue 6)
Received On: 12/03/2018; Accepted On: 17/04/2018; Published On: 01/06/2018
Vipul Gandhi, Sushil Burle, Satish Kosalge
Department of Pharmacy,
Hi-Tech College of Pharmacy,
Morwa, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India
* vipul96gandhi@gmail.com
Some of the problems with unproductive relaxing treatments and insufficient repair aptitude in the central nervous system are most troubling problems for few neurological diseases. Providentially, the development of clinically relevant populations of stem cells has provided an opportunity to overcome the failure of endogenous repair systems and substitute new cells into the injured brain. However, there are still several existing difficulties in interpreting into clinical application. In this review, we mainly focus on the stem cell based therapies for Parkinson’s disease and discuss the possible advantages and drawbacks. We hope this review may provide suggestions for viable policies to overcome the current technical and biological issues relatedto the application of stem cells in Parkinson’s disease (Fu et al., 2015).
How to cite this article: Gandhi V, Burle S, Kosalge S; Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson’s disease: A Review; PharmaTutor; 2018; 6(6); 1-8; http://dx.doi.org/10.29161/PT.v6.i6.2018.1

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