PharmaTutor (July- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
Received On: 17/05/2014; Accepted On: 22/05/2014; Published On: 01/07/2014
AUTHORS: *Abdulrhman. A. Akasha, Malak Ali Elwahedi, Areej Mohmoud Eldeeb
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Tripoli University, Libya.
Cyclodextrins are formed by the action of cyclodextrin-trans-glycosidase enzyme (CTG) on the medium containing starch. Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccharides containing at least six D-(+)- glucopyranose units attached by α (1-4) glucoside bonds. The three natural cyclodextrins, α , β and γ differ in their ring size and solubility.
One of the striking feature of cyclodextrins is their ability to form inclusion complexes with a variety of compounds, by entrapping their molecules (guest) inside the cyclodextrin cavity, which act as a host. Cyclodextrin complexing agent are often used, in pharmaceutical formulation of oral products, to increase the bioavailability of poorly water soluble or unstable drug. The simplified review presents the evaluation of cyclodextrins drug complexes in pharmaceutical formulation. The preparation of sodium valproate phenytoin sodium/ β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex in a trial to stabilize the drug against moisture absorption and forming non-hygroscopic powders which are suitable for tablets by direct compression was reviewed. The preparation of phenytoin sodium / β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex in a trial to stabilize the drug against moisture absorption and mask its bitter taste was reviewed.
The preparation of piroxicam/ β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes is a exhibited higher dissolution rates and absorption efficiency values, than the corresponding un-complexes drug.
Cyclodextrins as complexing agents are often used in pharmaceutical formulation of oral products to increase the bioavailability of poorly water soluble or unstable drugs.
How to cite this article: AA Akasha, MA Elwahedi, AM Eldeeb; Cyclodextrins and their Pharmaceutical Applications; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(7); 40-46

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