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Optimization and Evaluation of Ibuprofen Tablets by MADG Method

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PharmaTutor (January - 2018)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 6, Issue 1)


Received On: 27/09/2017; Accepted On: 02/11/2017; Published On: 01/01/2018


Devender Sharma1*, Ameya Lanjewar2
1Department of Pharmaceutics,
Hi-Tech College of Pharmacy, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India
2Department of Pharmaceutics,
Kamala Nehru College of Pharmacy, Butibori, Nagpur, India



Ibuprofen largely used in various disorders treatment likely to be rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders, especially where pain is more prominent than inflammation. Ibuprofen is used as a simple analgesic, antipyretic and it is particularly effective in dysmenorrheal. By the process of Moisture activated dry granulation, Ibuprofen tablets prepared but these method prepared tablets do not give better drug content, drug release. So formulation optimize by full factorial i.e. change in various polymer concentration like SSG and Povidone at three different levels. Ibuprofen tablets manufactured by moisture activated dry granulation method with optimization show better drug release, drug stability in comparison of marketed preparation. Due to optimization, Ibuprofen tablets which manufactured by moisture activated dry granulation method have very low cost in comparison of marketed preparation. The main objective of this research work water poorly soluble drug like ibuprofen tablet manufactured by moisture activated dry granulation by optimize process gives better drug release, manufacture cost also less other than marketed tablets.



How to cite this article: Sharma D, Lanjewar A; Optimization and Evaluation of Ibuprofen Tablets by MADG Method; PharmaTutor; 2018; 6(1); 56-71;