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Review: Plagiarism an Act of Unethics

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PharmaTutor (February- 2015)


Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 3, Issue 2)


Received On: 05/12/2014; Accepted On: 09/12/2014; Published On: 01/02/2015


AUTHORS: Anuradha Sharma1*, Vaibhav Walia2, Monika Gahlawat3
1Division of Pharma. Chemistry,
2Division of Pharmacology,
3Division of Pharmaceutics,
G.V.M. College of Pharmacy,
Sonepat, Haryana, India


ABSTRACT: Plagiarism is a multifaceted and ethically a complex problemwhich simply means the stealing and publication of another author’s work as one's own original work without acknowledge the original author. Plagiarism is simply an act of fraud.Authors should acknowledge sources fully and appropriately to follow the ethics and plagiarism is failure to do so. However the students or the authors sometimes fail to acknowledge the source appropriately and properly. These failures are largely due to the lack of knowledge to use the citations properly. Therefore to maintain the ethics the plagiarism should be avoided. The aim of this paper is to define plagiarism, its type, methods of detection and the ways to avoid plagiarism.


How to cite this article: A Sharma, V Walia, M Gahlawat; Review: Plagiarism an Act of Unethics; PharmaTutor; 2015; 3(2); 19-24