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A study on role of Doctor of Pharmacy in identifying and reporting of drug related problems and its comorbidities in inpatient units of a teritary care teaching hospital

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PharmaTutor (December - 2017)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 5, Issue 12)


Received On: 04/08/2017; Accepted On: 08/08/2017; Published On: 01/12/2017


M. Manasa Rekha,
Department of Pharmacy Practice,
Annamacharya college of Pharmacy,
Rajampet, Andhra Pradesh, India.



AIM: The study aims to assess the role of DOCTOR OF PHARMACY in identifying drug related problems in inpatient units in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
OBJECTIVES: The main objective of the present study includes identificatio n and reporting of drug related problems like Drug - drug interaction, Adverse drug reactions, Drug use without indication, Therapeutic duplication, Allergy / intolerance / poisoning, Improper drug, dose, route, regimen, Awareness/adherence problems.
METHODO LOGY: Study Design: It is a observational and interventional study. Study Period: 24 months from july 2015 to july2017. Study site: GENERAL MEDICINE, PEDIATRICS, ,OPHTHALMIC, SURGERY, ORTHOPEDICS, ENT, ART, STD Departments at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Me dical Sciences ( RIMS), Kadapa. Sample size: A Total of 2742 prescriptions were collected for this study. Source of Data: All the required data was collected from patients through Patient representative interview and case sheets and treatment charts. Inclu sion criteria: Prescriptions of Patients with aging above 18 years with multiple diseases with poly pharmacy and who are willing to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria: Prescriptions of Patients who are not willing to Participate in the study.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: In the present study a total of 2742 prescriptions were analyzed for Drug related problems .After Analysis the following drug related problems were overcome like Drug - drug interaction (450), Adverse drug reactions (398), Drug use without indication (305),Therapeutic duplication (590), Allergy / intolerance /poisoning (192),Improper drug, dose, route, regimen (400) Awareness/adherence problems(407). And a total of 2742 Drug related problems were resolved .Prism Graph Pad software is used for this study and the P - Value Is < 0.001 which concludes the present study is highly significant.
CONCLUSION: The present study concludes that Doctor Of Pharmacy professionals are those whose main objective is promotion of appropriate medication usage, and they can prevent the drug related problems which are not yet reported in Indian hospitals.



How to cite this article: Rekha MM; A study on role of Doctor of Pharmacy in identifying and reporting of drug related problems and its comorbidities in inpatient units of a teritary care teaching hospital; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(12);68-73