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Recruitment for Pharmacy Officer under Public Health Department - 251 Openings

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Recruitment for Pharmacy Officer under Public Health Department

The recruitment process for the following post in Group C category will be conducted under the authority of Commissioner, Health Services and Director, National Health Mission, Maharashtra, Mumbai under various appointing authorities.  For this, the online exam will be conducted at various exam centers in Maharashtra. Applications are invited by the department through online mode from the candidates who fulfill the conditions prescribed in the advertisement. Sarkari Pharma job in Maharashtra, Government Pharmacy jobs in Maharashtra.

Post : Pharmacy Officer

No of posts : 251
Thane : 25
Pune : 22
Nashik : 47
Kolhapur : 38
Aurangabad : 25
Latur : 22
Akola : 29
Nagpur : 43

Educational Qualification : Possess Degree in Pharmacology from a recognized institution and registered as Pharmacist as per Pharmacy Act,1948; or Diploma in Pharmacology and registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act,1948 along with two years of experience as a Pharmacist in a Government or Semi-Government or Accredited Hospital or Private Registered Pharmacy.
1. Similar qualification as specified in Service Entry Rules for the post.
2. Candidates appearing in the educational qualification test for the post will be provisionally eligible for the said test.  The educational qualification required for the post should be completed on the last date of advertisement.  
3. Department of General Administration, Government Decision no.  Training-2000/Pro.No.61/2001/39.  Dated 19-3-2003 Candidates belonging to Group-C category will be required to pass the Computer Aptitude Test prescribed by the Government within 2 years from the date of his appointment.  
4. According to the notification dated 11 November 2019 of the Department of Medical Education and Medicines, 21 Paramedical Degree and Diploma Act 2019 as mentioned in the schedule.  30th January 2016 and the revised schedule of Government Notification Act 10th November 2019 registered with the Maharashtra Paramedical Council, Mumbai (Government Dental College and Hospital Building 4th Floor, St. Georges Hospital Premises, P- DeMello Road, Fort Mumbai 400001)  It is mandatory to do.  Nursing Council, Pharmacy Council, Dental Council and others as required for other posts   Registration with the Council will be required.  If the candidate does not have registration certificate from Paramedical Council, Nursing Council, Pharmacy Council, Dental Council it will be mandatory to submit the said certificate within 6 months from appointment.
Pay Matrix : S-10 ; 29200-92300

Eligibility and Maximum and Minimum Age Limit
Indian Citizenship (Domicile of Maharashtra)
Age Limit :- The age limit for all the posts mentioned in the advertisement shall be as follows.
Minimum - 18 years
OBC - 40 years
Backward Classes/ Economically Weaker Sections/ Orphans - 45 years
Skilled player - 45 years
Part time employees - 57 years
Ex soldier - The period of service in the army plus three years
Disability Ex Soldier - 47 years
Project affected/ Earthquake affected/ Handicapped - 47 years
• Candidates dated 24th and 31st October, 2021 who cross the relaxed age limit will remain eligible to apply for this examination till the last date of application submission and for all remaining candidates age relaxation will be admissible as per Government decision dated 03rd March, 2023.
• General Administration Department, Government Resolution dated 3/3/2023 is giving relaxation of two years (40 years for open category, 45 years for backward category) in the maximum age limit prescribed for open and category.
• Candidate should be at least 18 years of age as on 18/9/2023.
• For appointment by nomination to a post in the State Service, the maximum age limit in the Service Entry Rules for posts requiring some years of experience, or up to the age of 45/50 years as per the specialization and requirement of the post, has been prescribed for the post. .
• The maximum age limit for children nominated by the Freedom Fighters, 1991 Census and 1994 Election Staff will continue to be applicable as per rules.
• Reservation of Orphans Govt Decision, Department of Women and Child Development, No. Amuja-2011/P.No. 212/Ka-3, dated 2nd April, 2018 and dated 06th April, 2023 as well as the orders issued by the Government from time to time in this regard shall continue.

General Instructions
1. There is a possibility of increase or decrease in the number of posts mentioned above.
2. Inter-organizational transfer, review of post, compassionate etc.  Due to reason there is possibility of change in number of posts and reservation / parallel reservation.
3. The department reserves the right to postpone, cancel, modify or alter the total number of posts in the competitive examination
4. There is a possibility of change in the number of posts and reservation in the cadre mentioned in the above paragraph as per the instructions of the concerned departments of the Government.
5. Public Health Department, Government Notification dated 27/02/2021 vide above notification of Public Health Department has prescribed the service entry rules for the post of Superintendent Nurse in Maharashtra Nursing Service.  Accordingly, the recruitment ratio will be 90:10 for female and male candidates respectively.  Then the male candidate should apply for the same office where the vacancies are reserved for male, otherwise his application will not be considered.

Exam Fee :-
The following fees will be charged in the said recruitment process and the said examination fee will be non-refundable The examination fee paid by the candidate will not be refunded under any circumstances (due to multiple applications, application failure, inability to appear for some reason, examination cancellation etc.).  If a candidate applies for more than one post, separate examination fee will be charged for each post.
Open :  1,000/-
Backward Classes, Orphans and EWS : 900/-
Examination fee free for ex-serviceman candidates
● As per Government letter dated 31 / 7 / 2023 for Group C and D posts under the Commissionerate of Health Services, all the candidates who appeared in the earlier canceled examination on 24th and 31st October, 2021 will now be charged fee for the examination conducted through TCS-ION.  It will be necessary to fill and re-apply
Also, after providing the bank details regarding the payment of examination fee to all the candidates who appeared in the canceled examination on 24th and 31st October, 2021 and after verifying the information provided by May Nyas Company, action will be taken by the Director, Health Services to refund the fee of the eligible candidates.  These candidates will be provided with the necessary facility/portal through Health Services Commissionerate to fill their information and bank details for verification.

Candidates appearing in the merit list in the 25 examination will be required to submit the documents required for their post attested by the Central/State Government Gazetted Officer/Postmaster/Principal and authorized and competent officers in this regard or self-attested copies and original documents at the time of inspection/verification.
• Educational/Professional/Technical Qualification Certificates and Mark Sheets
• Experience Certificate / Physical Ability as per post requirement,
• Caste certificate.
• School Leaving Certificate/Birth Certificate or Secondary School Certificate as proof of age.  Certificate from Competent Officer of Non-Criminal (Non-Criminal)
• Residence Certificate of Maharashtra (Domiciles),
• Computer Handling Qualification Certificate
• Registration No. if registered with District Employment and Self Employment Office
• Project Affected/Earthquake Affected/Imperial/Extreme Sports Proficiency Merit Sports Certificate / Name of Candidates Certificate issued by Competent Authority if Child of Freedom Fighter Nominee
• Certificate of at least 40% permanent disability from District Surgeon/Medical Board in respect of disabled candidate.
• Certificate of Orphan from Competent Authority
• Letter of such permission if the Govt / Semi Govt employee has filled their application form with the permission of their Head of Department
• If there is a child of a farmer suffering from suicide, a certificate issued by the competent authority
• EWS certificate
• Other necessary documents,
Candidates must carry all the above copies (original certificates/documents) at the time of application

Format of Examination
Department of General Administration, Government Decision no.  Pranim 1222/P.No.54/Ka-13A, dated May 04, 2022 and Public Health Department, Government Decision No.  Under Padam-2022/Pr.No.1036/Seva5, dated - 15, March, 2013, the format of examination will be as follows.
1) For Group C post an online exam of 200 marks with 100 questions will be conducted.
2) The question papers of the said examination will be of objective multiple choice format of total 100 questions and each question in the question paper will carry 02 marks.
3) For the post in technical / professional cadre related to the department, 80 percent marks will be related to the technical / educational qualification related to the post and remaining 20 percent marks will be related to Marathi, English, General Knowledge and Mathematics for the post for which the educational qualification is at least graduate in Marathi language.  All the questions in the question paper will be in English medium except the questions
4) For the post of driver, a total of 200 marks will be conducted for the post of Marathi, English, General Knowledge and Intellectual Test with 40 marks for a total of 20 questions and 160 marks for 80 subject-wise questions and the candidate will be selected based on their merit after conducting a professional test.
5) The duration of the examination for the post of Group C cadre will be 200 hours.
6) Professional Test Examination will also be conducted for the post of Deputy Director, Health Services (Transport) Pune on establishment.

Examination Conduct
1.Government letter no.  As per Padhab-2020/P.No.1036/Seva-5, dated 22/8/2023, the said recruitment is organized for one cadre in the entire state on one day.  Therefore, a candidate should apply in the same circle for one category and preferably in the same circle for other categories if he is eligible.
2. Examination in Group C cadre will be held in different sessions.  Therefore, in case of applying for more than one post, the candidate will be considered for the selection process based on the merit criteria of the same office for which the candidate has appeared for the exam.
3. The examination will be conducted through Computer Based Test online mode and the question papers of each session will be separate.  The examination will be conducted in more than one session.  The format and difficulty of the question paper from session 1 to the final session is checked and the results are determined by normalization method.
will be announced.  The formula given by TCS company regarding Normalization is published on the website for information.  The said Normalization will be binding for all the examinees, the examinees should note that.
4. According to the post and office for which candidates have applied, the information about which examination center they will have to appear for the online examination will be informed through the examination admit card.

Selection Process
• Candidates will be selected on the basis of marks obtained in Computer Based Online Examination (Computer Based Online Examination).
• Candidates will be required to secure at least 45 percent of the total marks in the examination to be qualified while making the shortlist.
• Merit order of candidates who have equal marks while preparing the result of examination General Administration Department, Govt Decision no.  Pranim 1222/ Q.  No.  54/13A, dated 04th May 2022 will be applied.
• Government decisions issued by the Government from time to time in connection with recruitment shall remain applicable.
• Verification of affidavit of small family as per Government Notification General Administration Department, No.SRV-2000/P.No.17 (2000)/12, dated 28 March 2005 and Government Circular No.SRV-2000/Pr.17/2000/12, dated 1 July 2005  Must be submitted on time.  (Unmarried candidates should self-sign stating not applicable)
• As per Govt Decision No. Anio-1005/126/Seva-4, dated 31-10-2005, the newly defined Contributory Pension Scheme will be applicable to the shortlisted candidates, the General Provident Fund Scheme will not be applicable.

Application Procedure
1. Candidates who are available on the link for recruitment 2023 online application should submit the online application by carefully mentioning the correct information on this website.
2. Only applications and examination fees submitted online through the above mentioned website in the prescribed format will be accepted for examination.
3. No application or fee will be accepted through any other medium.  Previous applications for employment with the Health Department will not be considered.  Also, the copy of the online application form should not be sent to any office by email or post.  No correspondence will be entertained regarding the information regarding Exam Hall Ticket / Time Table / Exam Center / Result / Waiting List / Necessary Document Verification / Appointment Order will be communicated through SMS / Email only.
4. Also during the recruitment process in relation to the advertisement presented on the said website, it will be the responsibility of the candidate to periodically visit the website published by the department and keep updated regarding the recruitment process.
5. Candidates will be required to submit the web based online application at the website http://arogya through the link Padbharti 2023 Online Application from 29/8/2023 (from 03.00 PM) to 18/9/2023 only.

Closing date for application : 18th September 2023 at 11:55 PM

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