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Opportunity for M.Pharm as Technical Officer at NDTL, Pay upto Rs. 1,42,400 pm

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Opportunity for M.Pharm as Technical Officer at NDTL

The National Dope Testing Laboratory (NDTL), an autonomous body, Government of India, is a premier scientific Institute and one of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)-Accredited Laboratories dedicated to human sports dope testing & allied research. This is the only Laboratory of its kind in the country having state-of-the-art facilities. It is equipped with latest and sophisticated analytical equipment including LC-Orbitrap-HRMS, GC/C/RMS, Sysmex XN 1000, Cobas e 411 etc. The Laboratory is pursuing research in the advanced areas of dope science and establishing collaboration with National and International Institutes.

Post : Technical Officer

The Laboratory invites applications from Indian citizens for the posts of Technical Officer in the Scale of Pay Rs.Rs. 44900 - 142400/- (Pay Level-7) to fill up the vacant posts by deputation (including short term contract) basis as detailed below. Period of deputation (including short-term contract) including period of deputation (including short term contract) in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or any other organization/Department of Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed four years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years, as on the closing date of receipt of applications.

Classification Group : ‘B’
Scale of Pay : Rs. 44900-142400 [Pay Level 7 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC]
Method of recruitment : Deputation (Including Short Term Contract)
Eligibility Criteria : Deputation (Including Short Term Contract): Officers of the Central/state Government/PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies :
(i) Holding analogous post on regular basis or having 5 years regular service in the PML 6 (Rs. 35400 - 112400) and Possessing the qualifications prescribed for
Direct recruitment :
Essential (i) Master's degree in Chemical / Biological / Pharmaceutical Sciences in relevant fields from a UGC /AICTE recognized University / Institute;
(ii) One year experience in Chemical and /or Bio-Chemical analysis preferably in Drug testing.
(i) Bachelor's degree in Chemical/ Biological/ Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT)/ Pharmaceutical Sciences in relevant fields from a UGC/AICTE recognized University/ Institute;
(iii) Three year's experience in Chemical and/ or Bio-Chemical analysis preferably in Drug testing
Desirable : Experience in quality management system as per ISO/IEC:17025 and quality assurance processes.

Consequent to recommendations of Seventh Pay Commission, the pay scale in the Pay Bands has been replaced with Pay Matrix System. Therefore, for the purpose of interpretation relating to analogous posts, pre-revised scales of such posts shall be reckoned.

 While forwarding the applications, the Cadre Controlling Authorities shall verify and ensure that the particulars furnished by the applicants are correct and no disciplinary case is either pending or contemplated against the officer concerned. The following documents should also be sent along-with the application:
(a) Application in the prescribed format,
(b) Complete and up-to-date ACR/APAR for the last 5 years from 2018-19 onwards or attested photocopy thereof,
(c) Vigilance Certificate/Clearance,
(d) Integrity Certificate/Clearance,
(e) A Statement of major/minor penalties, if any, imposed upon the officer during the last 10 years.

Applicants are requested to ensure that their applications forwarded through their Cadre Controlling Authority. The Cadre Controlling Authorities are requested that applications of eligible and willing officers may be forwarded in the Proforma (PART-A, PART-B AND PART-C) addressed to the Deputy Director (Admin), National Dope Testing Laboratory, JLN Stadium Complex, East Gate No. 10, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003, within 45 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar. However, only applications received from Cadre Controlling Authority duly completed in all the respect with all documentary formalities as mentioned in Para-4 above, will be considered for selection. Incomplete applications or applications not received through proper channel or applications received after due date are liable to be rejected.

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