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Apply Online for Pharmacist in Municipal Corporation, 08 vacancies

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Apply Online for Pharmacist in Municipal Corporation

Only online applications are invited through the website of Junagadh Municipal Corporation in prescribed format for filling the following posts in U-PHC and U-CHC in Junagadh Municipal Corporation through direct recruitment.  For this, the candidate has to apply online on the website from 18/09/2023, 14-00 hours to 17/10/2023, 23-59 hours of night.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 08
Qualification : 
1) (i) a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the central or a State Act in India or any other educational institution recognised as such or declared to be deemed as a university under section 3 of the university Grants commission Act, 1956, or (ii) a diploma in pharmacy obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the central or a State Act in India or any other educational institution recognised as such or declared to be deemed as a university under section 3 of the university Grants commission Act, 1956, and have about two years’ experience as a Junior Pharmacist in Government, Government Undertaking or Board or as a Dispenser in the hospital or in dispensaries or as a Pharmacist or Medical Representative of any of the Pharmaceutical company established under the companies Act, 2013
2) Should have computer knowledge
3) Must be registered with Gujarat State Pharmacy Council (under Pharmacy Act-1948).
4) Should have good knowledge of both Gujarati and Hindi.
Government of Gujarat Health Department Notification No.GP/20/MKM/102016/100836/S dated 4/4/2016 | R.R. All the provisions of should be followed.

Age : Age should not be less than 18 years and not more than 35 years as on the last date of receipt of application.
Salary :  (1) Resolution No. UHP/1016/1164 of the Health and Family Welfare Department of the Government of Gujarat. A fixed salary of Rs.31340/- per month will be given for the first five years from 15/4/2017. After five years of satisfactory services will be eligible for regular appointment in pay matrix level-5 scale 29200-92300 as per 7th Pay Commission.

Computer Knowledge
Certificate/mark sheet from any recognized training institution that the candidate has basic knowledge of computer as per the syllabus prescribed vide Government Resolution No.CRR-10-2007-1203-20-G-5 dated 13/8/2008 of the General Administration Department of the State Government.  Should have or have passed any Diploma/Degree or Certificate Course in Computer Knowledge from a Government recognized University or Institution or Certificates having Computer as a subject in Degree or Diploma Course or Passed Class-10th or Class-12th Examination with Computer Subject  Should have such certificates.  Candidates possessing such certificate may also apply at this stage, but such candidates will have to produce such certificate of passing Basic Knowledge of Computer before the Appointing Authority before getting appointment.  Otherwise will not be eligible for appointment.  Also the Appointing Authority/Junagarh Municipal Corporation will cancel the selection of the candidates in such case.

No Objection Certificate
(1) Officers/Employees serving in Government/Semi-Government/Government-Owned Corporations/Companies of Gujarat Government may apply online again and again in respect of Junagadh Municipal Corporation advertisement and the same shall be reported by the candidate to his/her department/account/office within 7 days from the date of application.  If the employer informs the candidate that they will not be allowed to apply within 30 days after the last date of sending the application, their application will be rejected and the candidature will be cancelled.
(2) A candidate who is employed by the Central Government or any other State Government has to submit the No Objection Certificate from the Appointing Officer along with this application.

(a) is a citizen of India or
(b) being a citizen of Nepal or
(c) is a citizen of Bhutan or
(d) an exile from Tibet who arrived in India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanent residence;
Should or
(f) A person of Indian origin who intends to settle permanently in India from East African countries like Pakistan, East Pakistan (Bangladesh), Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zer, Ethiopia or Vietnam.  Must have migrated.  But in case of candidates falling under sub-numbers (b)(c)(d) and (f) the Government should have given the eligibility certificate.
The Junagadh Municipal Corporation will consider the application form of the candidate in whose case the eligibility certificate is required and if his name is recommended for appointment, as per rules, he will grant provisional appointment in his case subject to the production of the eligibility certificate by the candidate.

Application Form
1. In case of application for more than one advertisement, separate application shall be made for each advertisement and all female candidates and reserved category candidates shall pay Rs.300/- and non-reserved category male candidates Rs.600/- along with each application. will be Reserved category candidates have to submit necessary documents. If the grounds are not submitted, their candidature will be considered cancelled
2. Advance copy without application fee will not be considered.
3. Even if there is no reservation for women candidates in the advertisement, women candidates can apply in that category.
4. Application fee is not refundable under any circumstances.
5. In the event that there is no vacancy for any reserved category candidates in the total vacancies and there are vacancies only in non-reserved categories, all reserved category candidates can apply by paying the prescribed fee like general category candidates.

Educational Qualification
(1) The candidate should possess the educational qualification mentioned in the advertisement as on the last date of receipt of application
(2) Candidate should have obtained educational qualification from a recognized University/Institution.
(3) At the time of document verification, the candidate has to submit the original and self attested copy of the mark sheet (all years/semester) of the recognized university/institute with the educational qualification as mentioned in the online application form.
(4) Candidate's claim for provisional recognition of educational qualification will not be entertained.
(5) If he has a rightful claim that the candidate possesses qualifications equivalent to those mentioned in the advertisement, such candidate shall furnish details of the orders/authorization establishing the equivalency.

1. The experience sought will be considered as on the last date of receipt of application.
(a) Unless otherwise provided for in the advertisement, experience will be counted from the date on which the requisite qualifications are acquired,
(b) experience with respect to the last date of receipt of applications.
2. In support of the experience mentioned in the application, the candidate has to submit a self-explanatory certificate with details of the period of experience (days, months and years), basic salary and gross salary and type of duties performed/experience gained. Such certificate has to be submitted on the institution's letterhead with the signature and date of the competent authority. The certificate submitted by the candidate (Self-Declaration) and Affidavit will not be considered valid.
3. Any subsequent request for change in the experience certificates submitted by the candidate will not be entertained. If the experience certificate with complete details is not submitted by the candidates, Junagadh Municipal Corporation will take a decision based on the available certificate/details which will be binding on the candidates.
4. Experience gained by the candidate as part-time, daily, apprenticeship, trainee, salaried, invited faculty, in-charge (additional work other than the original post), against post will not be counted as valid experience. Also, the experience gained during the study period will not be recognized.

Important Provisions
(1) The financial provision for the establishment expenses of all the said posts shall be made by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat and accordingly the State Government may depute the said establishment to the State Government if required.  The government can depute the agency to perform duty at any place in the state.  That is, all posts are subject to change and if the government deems it necessary, it can be posted or changed to perform duty at any place in the state.  
(2) Candidates serving in a Government/Semi-Government or Local Self-Government organization, if selected in the said place, they will have to present themselves at the place of appointment only after resigning from the original place and the period of their previous service will not be regularised/counted. 
(3) All the said posts have been allowed to continue till the end of the financial year by the State Govt.  - Thereafter the tenure of posts shall be subject to the approval of the State Government from time to time.  The responsibility of the Junagadh Municipal Corporation will not be determined in this regard.  
(4) While preparing the final merit list, 100% weightage will be considered as per the result of the written examination.  
(5) Candidates applying online, if there is any mistake or defect in the information/details filled in the application form, then the application will be considered canceled and no representation in this regard will be entertained.  
(6) If the University or any institution indicates CPI/CGPA/SGPA/OGPA/Grade instead of percentage of marks, in such case the candidate has to calculate those marks as percentage in the approved formula of the University or institution and indicate the percentage in the application form.  If any candidate mentions CPI/CGPA/SGPA/OGPA/Grade in the application form then their application will not be considered, candidates should take special note of this.
(7) Athletics (including track and field sports), badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, swimming, table tennis, volleyball, tennis, weight lifting, racing, boxing, cycling, gymnastics, judo, rifle shooting, kabaddi, kho-kho,  Candidates who have been represented in (1) National/International or (2) Inter-University or (3) competitions organized by All India School Association in sports of archery, equestrian, shot put, boat racing, chess, handball shall be given first stage competition only for priority in selection.  5(five)% marks will be added to the total marks obtained in the written examination.  For this, the candidate Government in Resolution No.: CRR/1077/2660/G.2 dated 25-2-1980 and Resolution No.: CRR/1188/3644/G.2 dated 1-8-1990  Necessary certificate obtained from the prescribed authority in the prescribed format shall be produced on demand by the Committee.  Only candidates possessing such certificate will be entitled to sports marks.  
(8) The decision of the Selection Committee of Junagadh Municipal Corporation shall be final in case any question arises in future regarding the validity of the institution which issued the qualification certificates mentioned in the application form by the candidate.  Which will be binding on every candidate.  
(9) Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Junagadh shall have the unrestricted right/right to increase or decrease the above posts.

The application end date has been extended till 22.10.2023 at 11:59 PM

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