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National Institute of Malaria Research Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc Job, Salary Rs. 47,000 pm

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Malaria Research Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc Job

National Institute of Malaria Research was established in 1977 as Malaria Research Centre, which was renamed as National Institute of Malaria Research in November 2005. ICMR-NIMR is one of the institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research an autonomous body under Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India.

The main objective of this project is to understand about mosquito host recognition behavior, by using molecular, biochemical and structural biology tools. We are looking to select and engage highly skilled and experienced personnel to work in the below mentioned projects having translational values for vector control.

Post : Research Associate-I (01 UR)

Name of the Project :  “Multi-stage malaria vaccine candidates for the prevention of Plasmodium falciparum infection in mosquito and pre-erythrocytic development in man.”

Essential Qualification : Ph.D / MD / MS / MDS Or equivalent degree Or having 3 years research, teaching and design and development experience after M. Sc/M. Pharma / ME / M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.

Desirable qualifications :
• Ph.D degree in biological sciences; preference would be given for research experience in malaria parasite culture work, gametocyte culture, mosquito rearing etc.
• Proven track record of research experience in the field of parasite/vector biology.
• Candidate should have atleast one first author publications in indexed journals in the field of parasite biology/vector biology
• Should be able to conduct protein biochemical assays, parasite drug sensitivity assays etc.

Consolidated emoluments(per month) : Rs. 47,000/- + HRA as per rules

Age limit : 40 years

Duties / Responsibilities :
The selected candidate would be responsible for overall management of the project and would be responsible to carry out routine protein, biochemical assays, Parasite-Drug sensitivity assays, Parasite culture, gametocyte generation for Transmission blocking assays, presentations of the project, report writing, article drafting, and other conceptual hypothesis/idea generation.

1. Candidates meeting the age criteria and possessing the required qualifications, experience, etc. can fill the Application Form through link to 05:00 PM on 06th October 2021 after that link will disable automatically.
2. The shortlisted candidates will be informed about the interview via e-mail or candidates may check our website for updates related to the advertisement.
3. Shortlisting of candidates for interview shall be done on basis of educational qualification and experience. However, if the number of shortlisted candidates are high and it is not feasible to call all of them, the appointing authority may fix a suitable criteria for shortlisting the candidates.
4. Selection of Candidate will be based on the performance in the interview.
5. Candidates have to submit the duly self-attested copies of proof of their age, educational qualifications, experiences, testimonials etc. at the time of joining, if selected.
6. Selected candidates have to bring all the documents as mentioned above in Original for verification.

Terms and Conditions
1. Incomplete applications or application not submitted in prescribed format or without photo and signature or received after last date shall be summarily rejected.
2. Submission of incorrect or false information shall disqualify the candidature at any stage of recruitment process.
3. Separate application should be submitted for each post, if applying for more than one post.
4. The benefit of Provident Fund, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, CCA etc. will not be available to the project employee.
5. Qualification and experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from a reputed institution/organization recognized by competent authority.
6. The experience will be counted only after completion of minimum essential educational qualification prescribed for the post.
7. Cutoff date for age limit will be considered as on the last date of submission of Application Form.
8. No age relaxation shall be admissible against the unreserved vacancy as per Govt. of India orders.
9. Age relaxation against post earmarked for reserved candidates will be as per GoI norms.
10. Reserved category candidates must produce their latest valid caste certificate as per instructions issued by the DopT/GoI.

11. The Director, NIMR has the right to accept/ reject any application without assigning any reason thereof and no correspondence/recommendation will be entertained in this matter
12. The Director, NIMR reserves right to fill up or not fill up any of the post advertised on website.
13. Candidates have to submit the duly self-attested copies of proof of their age, educational qualifications, experiences, testimonials etc. at the time of joining, if selected.
14. Canvassing and bringing outside influence in any form for short listing or employment will be treated as disqualification and the candidate will be debarred from selection process.
15. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification/experience does not guarantee for shortlisting and selection.
16. Since the posts are filled-up on purely temporary and contractual basis, the candidate will have no right to claim for any type of regular/permanent employment under ICMR-NIMR or continuation of his/her services in any other project.
17. The Director, ICMR-NIMR reserves the right to prepare/frame a panel of waitlist candidates which shall be valid for one year.
18. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview or joining the post and candidates should make his/her own arrangement for stay for the duration of interview as well after joining the post, in case of selection.
19. Candidates already in regular service under any central/state govt/Autonomous/dept/PSU are not eligible to apply.
20. Selected candidates will be granted Leave as per ICMR guidelines.
21. The selected candidate shall be engaged initially for duration offered and may continue further after review on the basis of his/her performance and depending upon tenure of the project, availability of funds, functional requirement.

Last Date : up to 05:00 PM on 06th October 2021 After screening of applications, only shortlisted applicants will be called for interview.


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