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Recruitment for Homeopathy Pharmacist at MPPSC

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Recruitment for Homeopathy Pharmacist at MPPSC

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for posts in MPPSC by online method.

Post : Homeopathy Pharmacist

No of Post : 01 (UR-01)

Educational Qualification :
Compulsory Educational Qualification Degree of MD in related subject. It is compulsory for candidates to be registered with the employment office of Madhya Pradesh state.  Special : (1) The above qualifications mentioned in the advertisement should be earned by 07.11.2020 last date.  Applicants who qualify after the said date will be considered as disqualified for the post.  Adequate knowledge of Sanskrit is required along with a postgraduate degree in a related subject in the qualification prescribed by the Central Council of Indian Medicine, which will be tested by the Commission at the level of interview. 
(2) If the candidate's grade / point scale is not mentioned in the marking list of the qualifying examination without mentioning the completers and marks, then their grade!  Formulas for determining the equivalent percentage of point scale.  It is mandatory to attach affidavit with the application form while calculating the percentage on the basis of principle.  It is also mandatory to attach relevant records of the concerned university for affirmation of the formula / principle adopted for determining the percentage along with the affidavit.

Age Limit : Completed 21 years of age but not completed 40 years of age. Computation date 01.01.2021 For other exemptions given in the age of 62 years.

Application Fee :   For the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Castes and all other Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Non Creamy Layer) Category: Rs.  250/-
Residents outside the State : Rs.500 /- 
In addition to the above fee Rs.  40 / - (including GST) portal fee will be payable. 
In case of online examination, the examination fee will have to be paid separately.  The amount of portal fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Note : 
(1) The number of posts can be changed after the number of posts has been revised by the Tip regime.  The increase in the number of posts can be done only till the date of publication of the interview program in case of selection by interview and the date of result of online examination in case of online examination.  Additional applications will not be received for increased positions.  Reduction in the number of posts can be done at any stage of selection.
(2) Appointment of selected candidates will be done on two years of probation.
(3) In any category, the posts reserved for the native women of Madhya Pradesh can be filled by the selection of male candidates of the same category in the absence of suitable female candidates.
(4) The post reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (non creamy layer) is reserved only for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (non creamy layer), native to Madhya Pradesh.  Candidates who are native to other states including Chhattisgarh, who are recognized as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (and Creamy Layer) in their state of origin, are not eligible for reservation. They will be considered for unreserved positions.  Candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes (non-creamy layer) will be required to submit a declaration that they do not fall in the creamy layer.
(5) Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes category (non creamy layer) outside Madhya Pradesh should write their category unreserved.
(6) In the subjects in which the post is not reserved for any reserved category, the candidates belonging to the reserved category will be considered for the unreserved posts and they will not get the benefit of relaxation in the age limit payable to the respective reserved category.
(7) In Madhya Pradesh, SC, ST and other backward category (non creamy layer) candidates will be given the benefit of prescribed exemption in application and examination fee and reimbursement of travel expenses.

Last Date : 7th November, 2020


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