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Job for Assistant Professors - Pharmacy at JNTUK

Clinical research courses

JNTU (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University) was originally ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ at the time of its establishment in 1946. It is now a sprawling campus of 110 acres, green with mango trees in the fast developing Port city of Kakinada, East coast of peninsula India. Kakinada has a rich political literacy and cultural heritage passed on through generations This college became a constituent of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University w.e.f 02-10-1972 through an act of legislature along with other sister institutions under the control of the then Director of Technical Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. Earlier, it was affiliated to Andhra University. In the year 2003 the college has become autonomous.

JNTUK invites applications for Assistant Professors (on Hourly basis) to handle UG & PG classes in School Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technologies under Institute of Science and Technology as given in the table. All these positions are purely temporary, for a period, up to the end of the academic year with the remuneration on hourly basis as per norms of JNTUK.

First Class in M.Pharmacy with relevant Specialization


Interested candidates may send their Bio-Data in the prescribed format to on or before 24-09-2019. The interviews will be conducted on 26-09-2019 at the respective departments from 10:00 AM onwards.

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