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Job Openings for Pharmacy Professionals at Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission - Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Clinical research courses

The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) is an Autonomous Body, set up under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India primarily with the objective of periodically updating of the Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) that sets standards for the identity, safety, quality, and strength of medicines being manufactured and marketed in India.

Post : Pharmacopoeia Consultant

Job Description
Pharmacopoeia Consultant is responsible for critical evaluation of relevant literature, protocols and laboratory reports regarding drug standards and compendial methods for the development and/or editing of documentary standards for IP. He/she is responsible for: coordination with representatives of pharmaceutical industries, regulatory bodies and scientific organizations on issues relating to the documentary standards specifications; critical evaluation of specifications and supporting data, translating specifications into IP editorial style and format; keeping abreast of current trends and developments in related scientific fields; responding to inquiries and queries pertaining to IP monographs and general chapters; assisting in Expert Working Groups of IP in planning and organizing their work assignments.

Qualifications and Experience
(i) Master’s Degree from a recognized University/ Institute in Pharmaceutical Sciences/ Chemistry or related fields;
(ii) Eight years of experience in research/ manufacturing/ analysis in the field of Drugs & Pharmaceuticals.

(i) Experience of analytical method developments and method validations using modern techniques for pharmaceuticals;
(ii) Experience in technical writing and interpretation of analytical methods and specifications of drugs and pharmaceuticals;
(iii) Hands on experience in working with chemical methods and handling instruments like HPLC, UHPLC, HPTLC, GC, ICP-MS, FTIR, UV-Visible, AAS and KF etc.;
(iv) Understanding of General Notices, General Chapters, and Monographs of the IP.

Monthly Remunerations : Rs. 50,000/-

The appointment shall purely be on contract basis that may be extended in future based on the performance.

Interested candidates shall prepare their applications in the prescribed application form (available on our website along with copies of self-attested certificates/documents in support of the claims of qualifications, experience etc.

The candidates are required to attend the walk-in interview on 25.09.2019 at IPC, Ghaziabad. The candidates should produce original copies of all educational certificates and other documentary proofs of their experience at the time of interview for verification.

Required Documents for verification at time of walk-in interview:
(i) Filled-in application form along with one set of all documents (to be retained by IPC) (ii) Educational qualification certificates (Original)
(iii) Experience certificates (Original)
(iv) Aadhar Card or any other proof of identity (Original)

Note: No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview and candidates are requested to report for interview by 9:30 A.M. Latecomers will not be entertained.

walk-in interview on 25.09.2019 at IPC, Ghaziabad

(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India)
Sector-23, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad-201 002

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