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Walk in interview for Project Fellow in BIT, Mesra | M.Pharm in Pharmacognosy or Pharmaceutics

Clinical research courses

BIT, Mesra is a "Deemed University" under Sec. 3 of the U.G.C. Act 1956. The Board of Governors is responsible for the main functions and overall supervision of activities. It comprises representatives of the Ministry of Education, Government of India, the U.G.C., the State Government, The Chancellor, the AICTE, The Hindustan Charity Trust and the Institute Faculty. Shri C.K. Birla is the Chairman of the Board of Governors while the Governor of the state of Jharkhand officiates as the Institute's Chancellor.  There's a Technical Council that decides the academic policy of the Institute.

Post: Project Fellow

Applications are invited for the post of 'PROJECT FELLOW" in the project entitled “Nutraceutical and Cosmaceutical from Tamarind seeds, Sal seeds oil and Karanj oil using low cost technology” at Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, B.I.T MESRA, RANCHI. The project is sanctioned by TRIFED, GOI, NEW DELHI. Candidates are required to bring all original documents along with one set of Xerox copies at the time of interview.

Minimum qualification: M.Pharm in Pharmacognosy or Pharmaceutics. Candidates should have at least one publication in SCI Journal.

Fellowship: amount is 24000 rupees per month. However, based on performance of the candidate fellowship may be reviewed.

The selected candidate will be appointed only for six months. After evaluation of performance of the candidate by the committee the tenure may be extended.

Reporting Venue and time: Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology; 8.45am

Date and time of interview: 10.10.2014 from 9.00am. Selection will be strictly based on interview only( NO TA/DA IS ADMISSABLE)


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