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Recruitment of Pharmacists under ANIMERS Society

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Recruitment of Pharmacists under ANIMERS Society

The Director, Andaman and Nicobar Island Institute of Medical Science (ANIIMS) under Society, ANIMERS invites application from the eligible candidate for various posts as listed below on contractual basis for a period of one year coterminous with regular appointment. Interested persons may walk in for an interview/skill test to be held on 21/10/2024

Post : Pharmacist

No of post : 02
Age : Not exceeding 30 years for both male & female
Essential:-  Diploma in Pharmacy / Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University/Institution
 Should be registered with the Pharmacy Council under Section 12 of Pharmacy Act, 1948. 
Desirable:- One year experience in relevant field
Consolidated pay : 35400/-
Mode of Recruitment : Walk-in- interview in Administrative Block, ANIIMS

General Instructions
1. The candidates should bring their original certificates and a copy of self-attested certificates of all supporting documents of their educational qualification, experience, proof of age etc., along with filled in prescribed format at the time of walk – in- interview/ skill test. 
2. The application form and the detailed terms and conditions may be seen on the website of A&N Administration ( 
3. All the candidates are requested to be present 01 (One) hour before scheduled time on the date of interview for necessary formalities and verifications of documents.
 4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. 
5. In case if it is detected at any stage of selection that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these short comings is/are detected even after selection, his/her services are liable to be terminated without any notice.

Application Form & More Info

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