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NLC India invites application for Pharma Apprenticeship

GPAT courses

NLC India Limited invites application for Pharma Apprenticeship

For more than six glorious decades, NLC India Limited has been a forerunner amongst the Public Sector Enterprises in the country in the energy sector, contributing to a lion's share in lignite production and significant share in thermal and renewable energy generation. The Company was incorporated on 14.11.1956. NLCIL is a Navratna Government of India Enterprise, under the administrative control of Ministry of Coal. Today, the company has set its footprints in PAN India mode in the states of TamilNadu, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Jharkhand and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

NLC India Limited, a “Navratna” Public Sector Enterprise, Under the Ministry of Coal, invites application from eligible candidates with Graduation / Diploma in below mentioned courses and passed in regular stream during 2020/2021/2022/2023/2024, for one year Apprenticeship Training (under the Apprentices ACT1961 and Amended in 1973, 1992 & 2019) in the following designated subject fields

Post : Apprenticeship Training

Graduate Apprenticeship Training
Qualification : B.Pharm 
Training Slots : 05 
Stipend / Month : Rs.15,028/- per month (of which Rs 4500/- will Be paid by the Government under DBT scheme)
Technician Apprenticeship Training
Qualification : D.Pharm 
Training Slots : 04
Stipend / Month : Rs.12,524/- per month (of which Rs 4000/- and will be paid by the Government under DBT scheme)

 1. Candidates should have passed the qualifying exam in 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024. 
2. Candidates should not have undergone or presently undergoing Apprenticeship Training in NLCIL or elsewhere. 
3. Candidates should not have experience of one year or more in any job. 
4. Age limit will be followed as per Apprenticeship Act. 
RESERVATION OF VACANCIES : Guidelines under Apprentices Act on Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PwD will be followed. Those who are claiming reservation under SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD shall provide certificate as per Government standard format, failing which their claim for reservation will be considered as „General‟ category only. For reservation under OBC (Non creamy layer) category, they should submit OBC (NCL) certificate as per the approved (OBC - NCL) format from the certificate issuing authority (validity from 01-04-2024 to 31-03-2025)

Instruction to Candidates
a. The Candidate will be selected based on the percentage of marks secured in qualifying examinations.
b. The Candidate will have to arrive at the percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examinations and enclose it along
with the application form ( Format is attached).
c. Overstatement of Marks by the candidates will lead to disqualification of the candidates from selection process.
d. In case of more than one candidate scoring the same percentage of marks at the cut-off level, the senior most candidates will be considered for selection, based on the date of birth.
e. Completion of Training does not entitle the candidates any right to claim temporary or permanent nature of job in NLC India Ltd.

Application Procedure
a. Go to
b. Click CAREERS link to open the Careers page.
c. Select the Trainees & Apprentices tab.
d. Click Apply Online(Graduate & Technician apprenticeship) link under Advt.,No. L&DC/03B/2024.(The link will be available from 10.00 Hours on 24 -10-2024 to 17.00 Hours on 06-11-2024.
e. Complete the application form and take a print out of the registration form.
f. The Registration form duly signed should be submitted directly or by post to the
Office of The General Manager,
Learning and Development Centre,
Block-20, NLC India Limited.
Neyveli – 607 803.  
on or before .13-11-2024 by 5.00 pm enclosing the Self Attested copies of the following certificates along with application :
1. Signed printout of the On-line application.
2. SSLC/HSc Mark sheet
3. Transfer Certificate.
4. Community Certificate (in case of belonging to SC / ST / OBC / EWS).
5. Degree Certificates / Diploma Certificate /Provisional Certificate
6. Consolidated mark sheet (or) Semester – wise Mark sheet (Certificate back side is needed)
7. Aadhar Card
8. Proof for Person with Disability (PWD) (if applicable).
9. Proof for wards of Ex-Serviceman (if applicable).
10. Format showing method of arrival of percentage of marks (can be downloaded).

Important Dates
On-Line registration Opens on  : 24-10-2024 from 10.00 AM
On-Line registration closes on  : 06-11-2024 up to 5.00 PM
Last Date for submission of Hard copies of the On-Line registered signed application print out with required documents  : 13-11-2024 up to 5.00 PM
List of Candidates called for Certificate Verification will be hosted in the website on  : 21-11-2024
Candidates will be called for Certificate Verification  : 25-11-2024 to 30-11-2024
List of Provisionally selected Candidates will be hosted in the website on  : 07-12-2024
Reporting / Joining of Candidates : 11-12-2024

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