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Vacancy for Pharmacist at Haldia Dock Complex

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Vacancy for Pharmacist at Haldia Dock Complex

The Port which was once considered the most important port in the country still remains the premier port which has been rightly called the gateway to Eastern India and is the guiding factor to trade and commerce of vast hinterland comprising the entire Eastern India including Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh and the two land-locked Himalayan Kingdoms of Nepal and Bhutan.

Post : Pharmacist-Cum-Dresser

Haldia Dock Complex, SMP-K intends to engage 01 ** (one) Pharmacist-Cum-Dresser under Medical Division on contractual basis at Haldia. Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the aforesaid contractual engagement, the details of eligibility criteria are given below.

Age : Lower age limit: 25 years. Upper age limit: 45 years.
Essential qualification : (i) Must have passed Madhyamik or equivalent examination.
(ii) Must have Diploma in Pharmacy from the State Medical faculty with qualifying certificate in First- Aid from St.John’s Ambulance Association / Indian Red Cross Society or any other recognized organization.

Experience : Experience of minimum 3 years as Pharmacist and Dresser in a reputed Hospital / Institution.

Selection methodology : Selection will be made through Trade Test of qualifying nature, followed by Written Test of 50 marks, pass marks being 25. However, management reserves the right to change / modify the selection methodology.

Terms and Conditions
i) The engagement will be for a period of 03 (Three) years and on expiry of the said period, the contractual engagement will be automatically terminated. However, on expiry of the contract, HDC, SMP-K reserves the right to enter into a fresh contract for such period and on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties.
ii) The selected candidate will be responsible for :-
a) Compounding and dispensing of medicines for patients according to prescription made by the Medical Officers.
b) Rendering first-aid, dressing, antiseptic dressing, plastering etc. to the patients.
c) Administering hypodermic injection.
d) Sterilization of dressings, appliances and instruments etc.
e) Maintenance of proper stocks and stores of medicines, chemicals etc., preparation of indents and maintenance of related records.
f) Performance of such other jobs of allied nature of duties deemed inescapable by his / her superior.
iii) The selected candidate will be paid a fixed consolidated remuneration of Rs.31,000/- (Rupees thirty-one thousand only) per month. The rate of Annual Increment would be decided by the Competent Authority based upon your performance during the year. Your next Annual Increment shall be subject to Annual Performance Review after completion of each year of service.
iv) The office of the selected candidate will normally be at the Port Hospital, Medical division, Haldia Dock Complex, Haldia Township, Purba Medinipur, PIN- 721607 or any other Dispensary / Medical Camp etc. under HDC.
v) The selected candidate will have to work for 6 days in a week and will be entitled to a weekly- off day. If situation so warrants, the weekly day of rest may be changed with prior intimation. He will be required to work normally in general shift but may have to work in shifts on rotation, i.e. morning, afternoon, night as per requirement. In exigency of work, he may also be booked on weekly off days / Holidays, for which appropriate relief may be considered, as per the discretion of the Competent Authority. He will also have to attend emergency calls, as per requirement, beyond his normal duty hours, without any extra remuneration for the same.
vi) The selected candidate will be entitled to 15 days leave in a year (12 months from the date of engagement and proportionate in case of shorter period of engagement), which shall be availed of with prior approval. For any absence, in excess of 15 days, pro rata deduction will be made from the consolidated remunerations. Availing of half-day leave would be allowed within the limit of 15 days of leave. vii) Additionally, leave on medical ground, to the extent of 10 days in a year (12 months from the date of engagement and proportionate in case of shorter period of engagement) on illness, may be allowed without any deduction from the remuneration, on the basis of certification from HDC, SMP-K Medical Officer. Intimation of sickness should be reported to the Head of the Division / Reporting Officer forthwith, in writing, together with the certificate of illness from a Registered Medical Practitioner, in addition to verbal intimation over phone. However, 50% of leave not availed on medical ground in a year can be carried forward, subject to the same being within the tenure of the contract period.

viii) The selected candidate would be entitled to indoor & outdoor medical facilities as are available in the Port Hospital at Haldia for self, spouse and a maximum of two ‘dependent’ children upto the age of 21 years. In case of having twins or more during the second child birth, all the children born together inclusive of 1st and 2nd child birth would be considered for the above medical facilities. Besides the following medical facilities would also be available: -
a. Purchase of Medicines: - Purchase of medicines from designated medical store at Haldia, as would be prescribed by the Port Hospital on cashless basis, may be allowed. Payment of the same would be made by HDC.
b. Pathological tests : All pathological diagnostic tests, as would be prescribed by the Port Hospital, may be allowed to be done at the Port Hospital as well as at designated laboratories at Haldia and the expenditure of the same would be reimbursed / paid directly by the Port.
c. Referral: Referral to the Centenary Hospital, Kolkata of SMP-K (both for OPD and IPD, as are available) may be allowed. d. Mediclaim: Reimbursement of 25% of the medical insurance premium paid by the employee to cover his / her family, subject to an upper limit of Rs. 5,000/- per annum, would be done by HDC. However, in case of any injury sustained due to accident occurred in course of and arising out of engagement, the port will extend all necessary medical treatment in addition to the treatment mentioned above.
ix) The selected candidate may be extended ex-gratia, as will be approved by the Competent Authority from year to year.
x) The wards of the selected candidate shall get the benefit of sponsored candidate in DAV Public School, Haldia, if admitted.
xi) HDC, SMP-K would contribute 8.33% of annual remunerations / applicable premium towards a Gratuity Fund through institution like LICI.
xii) The selected candidate may avail of the facility of HDC accommodation (unfurnished) on payment of license fee / rent, as applicable. Electricity charges for the said quarter shall have to be borne by the selected candidate, at actuals.
xii) The selected candidate may be required to work at any place / office within the jurisdiction of HDC, SMP-K.
xiii) If the selected candidate is required to go on official tour, the candidate will be entitled to TA / DA, as applicable.
xiv) The selected candidate shall report to Medical superintendent, Medical Division. However, he may be required to report to any other officer of HDC, in exigency of work.
xv) The selected candidate would be entitled to avail the canteen facilities of HDC.
xvi) The selected candidate would be allowed the transport facilities of HDC.
xvii) The selected candidate shall be responsible for charge and care of HDC, SMP-K’s money, goods and stores and all other properties that may be entrusted to him / her and he / she will be accountable for the same.
xviii) The contractual engagement may be terminated by giving 3 months’ notice from either side or equivalent to 3 months’ remuneration. However, the engagement is terminable on 24 hours’ notice for unsatisfactory performance and for any act considered to be derogatory / detrimental to the interest of HDC, SMP-K.
xix) The selected candidate would have to submit Character / Antecedent Certificate in the prescribed pro forma from the local Police Station upon his / her selection.

General Instruction :
Interested candidates, fulfilling the above-mentioned eligibility criteria and agreeable to the terms and conditions given below, may apply in the enclosed proforma with one recent passport size photograph and self-certified photocopies of relevant certificates / testimonials. Application in sealed envelope superscribed “Application for contractual engagement of Pharmacist-Cum-Dresser under Medical Division, HDC ”, should reach the office of Sr. Dy. Manager (P&IR), Haldia Dock Complex, Jawahar Tower 6th floor, P.O.-Haldia Township, Dist.-Purba Medinipur, PIN – 721607, by October 27, 2023. Mere fulfillment of the eligibility criteria will not confer any right upon the candidate for selection. Management reserves the right to cancel the selection process without any reference to the candidates. Incomplete application or application received after the last date may not be entertained. Applicants are advised to follow the website of  smport for further updates / developments regarding the selection process.

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