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PhD position in Computational Biology Wurzburg Institute of Systems Immunology

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PhD position in Computational Biology Wurzburg Institute of Systems Immunology

The Max Planck Research Group for Systems Immunology is a collaborative effort between the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg (JMU) and the Max Planck Society (MPG) aimed at promoting excellent immunological research. Around 50 researchers from more than 20 countries are working together to understand the basis of a successful immune response against infectious agents, chronic inflammatory diseases, and tumors. Their ultimate goal is to develop new concepts and strategies for vaccines and immunotherapies.

PhD position in Computational Biology Wurzburg Institute of Systems Immunology Wurzburg, Germany

The Talavera-Lopez lab investigates the cellular basis of homeostasis, inflammation, and infection across organs and species.
During inflammation and infection, cells change their cellular circuits of gene regulation, metabolism and communication to address the insult and start pathogen clearance and tissue repair. By combining cutting-edge spatially-resolved single-cell technologies and computational biology methods, including machine learning and Al, our group aims to learn how these
circuits generate and organise and how they can be manipulated.

Project description : Host-pathogen interactions are defined by the molecular changes in the host immune cells, trying to clear the pathogen, and in the pathogen, trying to escape the immune system, creating tissue damage. Pathogens, such as protozoans and fungi, have extensive genomic rearrangements to generate novel virulence factors. We aim to study the host-pathogen changes simultaneously to link virulence with immune response and add causality to these interactions. To understand the tissue response to infection, we use computational biology to integrate the pathogen's cellular processes and genomic rearrangements with the dynamics of the host cellular collective.

Candidate Profile
• Master's degree in Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology or Molecular Biology.
• Excellent programming and data visualisation skills in Python and/or
• Basic knowledge of immunology, biochemistry or systems biology.
• You are strongly interested in answering biological questions using computational strategies

Send your CV (including your github username), cover letter, and a short (max. 250 words) summary of your favourite research paper of the last five years to Prof. Carlos Talavera-Lopez (

Last Date : 20th October, 2023

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