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Career for Pharmacist at NITTTR, Pay upto Rs. 92300 pm

GPAT courses

Career for Pharmacist at NITTTR

NITTTR Chennai is mandated to work at the intersection of Technology, Content and Pedagogy which will be accomplished with the help of Information and Communication Technologies. The expertise of the Institute will be available to the entire gamut of Technical, Vocational and Management sectors. NITTTR Chennai caters to the needs of the southern States viz., Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu (including Puducherry Union Territory) and Telangana which contribute to 35% of the total number of technical institutions in the Country. Hence, the Institute plays an inevitable role in the creation of eminent Teachers and successful Leaders of the education sector who in turn build World Class Institutes. The ultimate objective of NITTTR Chennai is to catalyze the developmental activities, introduce groundbreaking reforms and emerge as a "Technical Education Hub" for connecting the potential stakeholders. This will be achieved by intensifying the present education and training models and evolving innovative practices in the field of technical teachers training.

Post : Technical Assistant Gr. II (Pharmacist)

No of post : 01 SC
Pay Level : Pay level 5 (Rs.29200 - 92300)

Essential Qualifications and Experience : School Final or its equivalent (Class 10) with 3 years diploma in Pharmacy with 10 years of working experience in relevant field OR B.Pharm with 5 years of working experience in relevant field
Desirable Qualifications / Experience :  Registration as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy council.
Familiar with Purchase of medicine, indenting, computer operations including data management, maintaining files and records
Age : Not exceeding 35 Years

Job Description :
• Coordinating with Visiting Medical Officer
• Processing of Medical bills of employees of the institute
• Dispensing of medicine
• Maintenance of various registers related to Pharmacy, Medicine purchase etc.
• Any other work assigned by higher authority

Service conditions
• The Institute is governed by the rules and regulations of the Society in force/ amended from time-to-time and is fully financed by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, New Delhi.
•  Appointments to the advertised posts will be made based on the Institute’s approved norms. Pay and other allowances will be admissible as sanctioned by the Government of India from time-to-time. National Pension System (NPS) introduced from January 2004 will be applicable. Leave Travel Concession and Medical facilities are also admissible as per the rules of the Institute in force/ amended from time-to-time.

General instructions
Please read the following instructions carefully before applying. Failure to comply with any of the directions given below may result in the rejection of the application by the Institute.
1. The candidates who are shortlisted for the Group C post against Advt.No.5/2022-23 dt. 21.01.2023 need not apply again as they are fulfilling the eligibility.
2. The applicants are requested to visit the Institute’s website periodically for any updates regarding the recruitment process. The applications will be subjected to a rigorous scrutiny process. The list of Shortlisted and Rejected candidates will be updated in our institute website. The shortlisted candidates shall appear for the Written test and Physical test (wherever applicable) on the date and venue mentioned in the Hall ticket which shall be downloaded accordingly either from our Institute website or through e-mail. The candidates shall adhere to the instructions mentioned in the Hall ticket.National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Ministry of Education, Government of India, Taramani, Chennai 600 113
3. The written exam will be conducted either through Computer Based Test or OMR based Test or Descriptive Type test.
4. Only the candidates who possess the minimum essential qualifications are advised to apply.
5. A non-refundable application fee of Rs.500/- for General/ EWS/ OBC category should be paid only through online (After clicking this link, type NITTTR in the search box, Select payment category from the dropdown menu as Recruitment-Application Fee). Transaction reference number should be written on the application form. Receipt of the fees paid should be attached with the filled-in application form. SC/ ST/ Persons with Disabilities (PwD)/ Women Candidates / Ex-servicemen / Internal Candidates of this Institute are exempted from payment of application fee.
6. The application form (both PDF and WORD formats) can be downloaded from the Institute’s website and the duly filled-in hard copy of the application along with fee receipt (wherever applicable) and the self-attested copies of the relevant supporting documents should reach “The Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Taramani, Chennai 600 113, Tamilnadu, India” on or before 30.10.2023 (5.30 pm IST). The envelope should be superscribed as “Application for the post of ___________”. Once the application form is submitted, no further changes/ additions are allowed.
7. Mere possession of the minimum essential qualifications does not entitle the candidates to be called for the written test and physical test (wherever applicable). Also, appearance of the candidate in the written test and physical test (wherever applicable) does not guarantee the employment offer. NITTTR Chennai reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for the written test and physical test (wherever applicable) to a reasonable number, on the basis of qualifications, experience and / or cut off in written test higher than the minimum requirements prescribed in the advertisement. 8. Candidates who have been awarded Degrees by recognized Foreign Universities should enclose the “Equivalence Certificate” issued by the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi, without which their candidature will not be considered.
9. Applications from candidates who are currently employed shall be considered only if they are forwarded through proper channel (Head of the Institution/ Organization) with a “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” from the present employer (if applicable), failing which the application (including the advance copy) is liable to be summarily rejected. Applicants who are employed in Government/ PSUs/ Government Autonomous Institutions/ Central and State Government Undertakings (if applicable) will be required to produce the Vigilance Clearance Certificate and copies of the ACR/APAR pertaining to the last five years along with the NOC, at the time of document verification. Those Candidates who have sent their applications not routed through proper channel and without No Objection certificate on or before 30.10.2023 05.30 p.m. shall lead to rejection of candidature, even if they are qualified in the written exam.
10. Reservation policy will be followed as per the norms of Government of India. Instructions issued by the Ministry of Education till the date of written test and physical test (wherever applicable) will be applicable. Candidates belonging to SC / ST/ PwD / Ex-Servicemen should enclose a copy of the relevant certificate issued by the Competent Authority along with the application. If not, they will be treated as UR candidates only. Candidates belonging to OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) should enclose a copy of the relevant latest certificate issued by the Competent Authority on or after 1st April 2023; If not, they will be treated as UR candidates only. Candidates belonging to EWS should enclose latest EWS Certificate from Competent Authority along with the Income & Assets Certificate issued by the Competent Authority on or after 1st April 2023 and Form-16 of ITR(if applicable); If not, they will be treated as UR candidates only. Self-attested copies of the Documents / Certificates / Degrees are required to be attached with the printout of the duly filled in Application Form.

11. The eligibility of the candidate (qualifications, experience, upper age limit and any other shortlisting criteria) will be determined as on the last date of the submission of application. Candidates belonging to OBC/ SC / ST/ PwD / Ex-Servicemen who are claiming age relaxation and fee exemption and had not enclosed necessary self-attested relevant certificate from competent authority shall lead to the rejection of their candidature, even if he/she qualified in the written exam (submission of documents after the last date shall not be considered).
12. One time age relaxation is applicable upto 10 years in the upper age limit for the persons currently engaged in NITTTR Chennai including its Extension Centres on ad-hoc/ Temporary / Contractual/ Outsourced basis, to participate in the recruitment process for Group C posts subject to the following conditions: (a) The relaxation will be applicable only for participation in the regular recruitment process. (b) No relaxation in qualification and experience will be allowed under any circumstances. (c) One time relaxation in age will be allowed only to the persons, who are working/ serving in NITTTR Chennai including its Extension Centres on ad-hoc/ temporary/ contractual/ outsourced basis on the date of notification andare continuing till the last date of receipt of applications advertised for the positions under the advertisement. (d) The relaxation granted is only one time to allow these persons to participate in the selection process and will not be claimed as a matter of right for appointment to any post. (e) Service certificate obtained in this regard from the relevant authority / contractor to be attached with the filled-in application form. Those candidates who have already applied for the Group C post and availed one time age relaxation as mentioned above need not apply again.
13. There is no need to submit any certificate in original along with the application form During certificate verification, non-submission of necessary supporting documents will lead to rejection of candidature, even if he/she qualified in the written test and physical test (wherever applicable). The Institute does not take any responsibility in returning the original certificates, if they are attached along with the application.
14. The Institute reserves the right
•  to cancel the advertisement of any post without any prior notice/ reason
•  to cancel the whole process of recruitment at any stage without assigning or clarifying any reason
•  to conduct written test and physical test (wherever applicable) for the advertised posts to select the candidates on the basis of merit
•  to issue any corrigendum to this notification as necessary/ deemed fit which will be published ONLY in the Institute’s website for the information of all concerned
•  not to issue the appointment letter to the selected candidate(s) The decision of the Institute shall be final and binding in this regard.
15. Applications incomplete/not satisfying the minimum essential requirements/ without requisite information/ without proper enclosures/ without the details of the payment of the application fee/ filled with discrepancy/not forwarded through proper channel (if applicable)/ received after the last date will be summarily rejected. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
16. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained regarding the postal delays or loss of the application during transit, reasons for not being called for the written test. The decision of the Institute would be final and binding.
17. The recruitment and pay fixation shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Institute. The decision of the Competent Authority shall be final.
•  The applications will be subjected to a rigorous scrutiny process.
•  Written Test for all posts, Written and Physical test (Senior Secretariat Assistant - Sergeant) will be conducted for the shortlisted candidates.
•  Syllabus for Written Test and details of physical test (wherever applicable) already uploaded in our Institute’s website.
•  For all Group C posts, Exam pattern for Phase -1 and Phase -2 will be announced shortly.
•  No Skill Test will be conducted except for Senior Secretariat Assistant(Stenographer) which will be of qualifying in nature
•  In cases, where more than one candidate secures the equal aggregate marks in the written exam, tie will be resolved by applying the following methods, one after another, till the tie is resolved:
- Date of birth i.e. the candidate older in age gets preference.
- Alphabetical order of the first name shall be given second preference
•  Requests for the change of the date and venue of Written Test and Physical test (wherever applicable) will not be entertained.
•  No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates for attending the Written Test.
18. In case of any dispute/ ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of NITTTR Chennai shall be final and binding. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of the appointment letter, NITTTR Chennai reserves the right to modify/ withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidates.
19. Successful candidates will be informed about the results and interim enquiries regarding the same will not be entertained.
20. A candidate who is found to have knowingly furnished any particulars which are false or to have suppressed any information, will be disqualified, and if appointed will be liable for dismissal without assigning any reason thereof.

21. NITTTR Chennai shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by the candidates at any time (at the time of written test / physical test/ appointment or during the tenure of the service).If any document submitted by the candidates are detected to be fake or if the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/ background and has suppressed the said information, then his/ her service from the Institute shall be terminated without serving any notice.
22. The rules of the Ministry of Education, Government of India with regard to the Pay & Allowances, Leave, NPS (Pension and Provident Fund, if applicable) shall be followed, subject to amendments if any, from time-to-time.
23. In the event of selection, it is mandatory for the candidate to occupy the eligible type of residential quarter in NITTTR Staff Quarters, Gandhi Mandapam Road, Chennai 600025, subject to availability. Only in case of non-availability of institute residential quarter, the employees shall be eligible for HRA for outside accommodation.
24. Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification of the applicant.
25. The BoG / Director shall have the power to lay down the procedure in respect of any matter not mentioned above.
26.  In case of any dispute/ suite or legal proceeding against NITTTR Chennai, the jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Courts in Madras, which is the Headquarters of the Institute.
27. The selected candidates, even if initially appointed at the Headquarters, shall be liable for transfer to any of the Extension Centres of the Institute located at Bengaluru,Hyderabad, Kalamassery and Vijayawada.

Last date for receiving the hard copy of the duly filled application along with the proof of payment of application fee and all the enclosuresthrough Registered Post/ Speed Post/ Courier 30.10.2023 5.30 pm IST
Hard copy of the application submitted after 30.10.2023 5.30 p.m. (including postal delay), will be SUMMARILY REJECTED.

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