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Career for Pharmacist at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Remuneration Rs. 41500 pm

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Career for Pharmacist at All India Institute of Medical Sciences

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Guwahati an Autonomous Institute of National Importance under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India invites applications from suitable candidates/retired employees to be engaged in various departments on contract basis as under

Post : Pharmacist - 01 Post

Remuneration : Rs. 41,500 /- Per Month and no enhancement during the contract period.
Essential Qualification :
Essential Qualification: 1. Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University/Institution
2. Should be a registered Pharmacist Under Pharmacist Under Pharmacy act 1948
Desirable : Experience in Manufacture/Testing of Transfusion fluids in a reputed hospital or Industry.
Age Limit : Not exceeding 27 years of age.
Period of Contract : The engagement is to be initially for one year or until the post is filled up on regular basis whichever is earlier

General Conditions
1. The above assignments are purely on contract basis, initially for a period of 01(one) year or until the post is filled up on regular basis whichever is earlier.
2. The incumbent selected shall have no claim whatsoever for regularization of their services in the AIIMS Guwahati.
3. The candidates applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility in all respects.
4. Maximum age, qualification and experiences are to be taken as on the last date of the receipt of the application. The last date of the receipt of application is 30 days from publication of this advertisement in the Employment news.
5. The mere fulfilment of the required qualifications and experiences do not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. Applications as received will be screened by a duly constituted Screening Committee and a limited number of candidates will be called for the interview. The screening criteria will be decided by the AIIMS, Guwahati, which will be final and no representations in this regard will be entertained. However, if sufficient number of candidates with required experiences are not available, then the experiences may be relaxed at the discretion of the Competent Authority.
6. All other terms & conditions as applicable will be decided by the AIIMS, Guwahati which will be binding relating to the Selection Process of the Employees.

Terms and Conditions
i) Duties: - All the duties and responsibilities of Employees are mentioned in the terms of reference of each Employees. To carry out all works assigned by the Executive Director or his authorized representatives.
ii) Age- The upper age limit may kindly be referred in the terms of reference for each Position and should meet the age criteria. The cut-off date to determine the eligibility criteria i.e. upper age limit, essential qualifications & experiences will be the last date of submission of application i.e. 15/10/23. Age relaxation may be given to highly suitable candidates for position of Senior Administrative Officer, Senior Procurement Officer.
7. Tenure: - The engagement is purely on contract basis initially for a 1(one) year or until the post is filled up on regular basis whichever is earlier. This engagement will not vest any right to claim by the candidate for continued contractual engagement which may be renewed or terminated on the basis of satisfactory performance and conduct.
iii) Remuneration: - The contract will entitle the contractual engagement to a monthly consolidated remuneration as per the terms of the references as mentioned in each employee. The contractual appointee will not be entitled to any other allowances, financial benefits or concessions as admissible to Institute employees. i
v) Expiry of Contract: - The engagement will automatically expire on completion of 1(one) year until it is renewed with mutual consent for the decided period. The contractual engagement can be terminated at any time, by either side, by giving 30 days’ notice or salary in lieu thereof.
v) Leave: - The leave entitlement of the appointee shall be as per institute policy as amended from time to time.
vi) Accommodation: - No Quarter/hostel or any other accommodation will be provided by the Institute.
vii) The Competent Authority reserves the right to change the number of vacancies, withdraws the process in full or in part and also the right to reject any or all application received without assigning any reasons or giving notice etc.
viii) The prescribed qualification and experience is minimum and mere possessing the same does not entitle any candidate for selection.
ix) This contractual appointment is whole time and private practice of any kind is prohibited.
x) He/she should also note that he/she will have to confirm to the Rules of discipline and conduct as applicable to the Institute employees.
xi) No travelling or other allowances will be paid to the candidate for interview or for joining the post.
xii) The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law.
xiii) Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the post.
xiv) If any declaration given or information furnished by the candidate proves to be false or if the candidate is found to have wilfully suppressed any material information, he/she will be liable to be removed from the engagement and such action as the Appointing Authority may deem fit.
xv) The decision of the Competent Authority regarding selection of the candidate will be final and no representations will be entertained in this regard.

How to apply
Persons desirous of being considered in the above assignments are required to submit their applications as per the prescribed proforma along with self-attested copies of all their educational qualifications and experiences addressed to the Administrative Officer, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Guwahati, Assam Changsari, Kamrup, PIN - 781101, India. The envelope containing the application should be super scribed with the “Application for the p ost of …….”. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.

Clarification & Enquiries : Mail to:

Application Form & More Info

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