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Career for B.Pharm as QC Lab Technician at GSFDCL, Government Company

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Career for B.Pharm as QC Lab Technician at GSFDCL

Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Ltd is a public sector undertaking of the Govt. of Gujarat, which has been incorporated as on 20/08/1976 as a government company under the Companies Act, 1956. The Registered and Head office of the Corporation is situated at Vadodara. Among its objectives, the Corporation mainly puts efforts towards the optimum utilization and sustainable development of the minor forest produce available in the State of Gujarat for providing livelihood opportunities to the forest dwellers who reside in and around Forest areas of the Gujarat State and preventing their exploitation from the middlemen.

Post : Lab Technician (Quality Control)

Vacancy (Contract Based) Details of qualification and duties of Contract based employee for Lab Technician (Quality Control) on 11 months at POR Unit, GIDC, Vadodara under the Corporation are given below.

Educational Qualification
Must have the following qualifications from a government recognized university or recognized educational institution.  Bachelor Degree B.Pharm (Ayurveda) or Degree in Science (Botany / Chemistry / Biochemistry / Microbiology)

Age  : Not More than 42 years. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes / Scheduled Tribes and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes will have 5 years concession

Experience : Must have at least 5 years experience in Quality Control Department in a recognized Ayurvedic Pharmacy. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in this Pharmacy, Limited Company and State Corporation in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia (API)  Preference will be given to those with experience.
Computer Knowledge : Knowledge of Gujarati, Hindi, English as well as computer is required.

Duties :
1. To carry out verification of all types of raw materials.
2. Monitoring of raw materials in process.
3. Conduct quality checks for quality control of finished goods.
4. Monitoring of storage conditions of stored raw materials, semi-finished goods and finished goods as per GMP rules.
5. To determine the self-life of medicines and to keep a record of storage requirements.
6. To exchange knowledge between the Corporation and educational institutions, universities, etc. in the wider interest of society.
7. To promote good laboratory practices as per GMP regulations.
8. Improving MFP processing facilities.  

Place of duty : GIDC Ramangamdi, Por. G Vadodara
Salary : 20,000 / - Monthly / Consolidated (Negotiable)
Time of Agreement : 11 months

Other Details : Monthly Consolidated Salary No benefits will be given  Receivable leave will be granted.

Details of sending application :  The application along with the enclosures of the certificate should be sent to the address of the head office of the corporation by 19/10/2023 till 6:10 pm. The application must be received at the head office of the corporation within this time limit.  Apart from this in other forms such as applications received by email will not be considered. Also applications received after the deadline will not be considered. In case of receiving large number of applications from qualified candidates, candidates will be shortlisted  The application for the post of Lab Technician (Quality Control) should be written in capital letters cc on the cover.

General Conditions
(1) Management will have the unfettered right to cancel the selection process without giving.  
(2)  A copy of school leaving certificate is required for verification of date of birth / age.  
(3) The applications received will be shortlisted as per the requirement of the company and such shortlisted candidates will be called for interview on the basis of the marks obtained by them in the academic year.
(4) If the candidate is employed in a government employee / semi government office / public enterprise, then the application has to be submitted through proper channel as well as the objection certificate of that institution has to be submitted along with the application.  
(5) The selected candidate will have to submit the order of dismissal of the organization having previous job while appearing on duty in the organization here.
(6) Travel expenses will not be paid to the candidate called in the interview.  

Selection : Candidates for these posts will be selected on the basis of their educational qualifications, experience and performance in the personal interview conducted by the selection committee

Deadline for Submission of Application  : 19-10-2023 till 6-10 pm (at Wadikcheri)

Application form & More Info>>

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