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Job Openings for Pharmacists (16 posts) under CGHS | Government Jobs

GPAT courses

The “Central Government Health Scheme” (CGHS) provides comprehensive health care facilities for the Central Govt. employees and pensioners and their dependents residing in CGHS covered cities. Started in New Delhi in 1954, Central Govt. Health Scheme is now in operation in Allahabad ,Ahemdabad ,Bangalore , Bhubhaneshwar ,Bhopal ,Chandigarh , Chennai ,Delhi , Dehradun ,Guwahati , Hyderabad , Jaipur , Jabalpur , Kanpur , Kolkatta , Lucknow , Meerut , Mumbai , Nagpur , Patna , Pune , Ranchi , Shillong , Trivandrum and Jammu. The Central Govt. Health Scheme provides comprehensive health care to the CGHS Beneficiaries in India.

Prayagraj (Allahabad)

Pharmacist Cum- Clerk- Homoeopathic
No of post : 02 (UR-2)
Basic Qualifications : (i) 12th Class passed equivalent with physics, Chemistry or Biology from a recognized Board or university. (ii) Diploma or certificate course in Homoeopathic Pharmacy of a one year duration form a recognized institute
Experience : Desirable: Basic Knowledge of computer
Age Limit : Between 18 and 25 Years
For Government Servants Age Relaxation (UR-40, OBC-40, SC-45, ST-45)


Pharmacist Entry Grade (Allopathic)
No of post : 05 (UR-3, OBC-1, SC-1)
Basic Qualifications : 12th Class passed with physics, Chemistry or Biology or equivalent from a recognized Board or university. Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institution and registered as pharmacist under the pharmacy act, 1948.
Experience : Two year experience as pharmacist in any recognized Hospital OR Pharmacy after duly registered as pharmacist under the pharmacy Act, 1948.
Age Limit : Between 18 and 25 Years
For Government Servants Age Relaxation (UR-40, OBC-40, SC-45, ST-45)


Pharmacist Entry Grade (Allopathic)
No of post : 07 (UR-3, OBC-2, SC-2)
Basic Qualifications :
(i) 12th Class passed or equivalent with physics, Chemistry or Biology from a recognized Board or university.
(ii) Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institution and registered as pharmacist under the pharmacy act, 1948.
(iii) Two year experience as pharmacist in any recognized Hospital or Pharmacy after duly registered as pharmacist under the pharmacy Act, 1948. OR 1- Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharma) From a recognized University 2- Registered as a Pharmacist under the pharmacy Act. 1948.
Experience : Two year experience as pharmacist in any recognized Hospital or Pharmacy after duly registered as pharmacist under the pharmacy Act, 1948. (for diploma holders only)
Age Limit : Between 18 and 25 Years
For Government Servants Age Relaxation (UR-40, OBC-40, SC-45, ST-45)

Pharmacist (Homeopathic)
No of post : 01 (UR-1)
Basic Qualifications :
12th Class passed or equivalent with physics, Chemistry or Biology from a recognized Board or university. Diploma or certificate course in Homoeopathic Pharmacy of a one year duration form a recognized institute
Experience : Desirable: Basic Knowledge of computer.
Age Limit : Between 18 and 25 Years
For Government Servants Age Relaxation (UR-40, OBC-40, SC-45, ST-45)

Pharmacist (Ayurvedic)
No of post : 01 (OBC-1)
Basic Qualifications :
12th Class passed or equivalent with Science stream (Physics or chemistry or Biology) from a recognized Board or University (ii) Technical Qualification: Degree in Ayurvedic Pharmacy or Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy course, duration of which should not be less than two years from any Government Organization or recognized private institute or by any University and registered with respective state Government Ayurvedic Regulatory boards or Councils.
Experience : (iii) Two years experience in the field of Ayurvedic Pharmacist from any recognized Ayurvedic Dispensary or Hospital or pharmacy or Wellness Centre.
Age Limit : Between 18 and 25 Years
For Government Servants Age Relaxation (UR-40, OBC-40, SC-45, ST-45)

Application and Examination Fee
1. No Application Form shall be received by post
2. Official Bank for submission of Fee is Allahabad Bank and HDFC Bank
(Any CBS branch in India or by Master / Visa Card/RTGS/NEFT)
Account – (A) KGMU, Para Medical Entrance Examination, Allahabad Bank, A/C No. - 5031354268,
IFSC code-ALLA0211028, Branch- KGMC, Lucknow, U.P
(B) KGMU, Para Medical Entrance Examination, HDFC Bank, A/C No.- 50100123964860,
IFSC code- HDFC0000596, Chowk Branch, Lucknow, U.P.
3. Candidates for the entrance test will have to pay a fee of Rs.500/- for Male Unreserved and OBC. Examination Fee shall be submitted with prescribed application form and online only.
Female and SC/ST candidates will not have to pay anything at the time of application. Application form for same post at both cities will be for Rs. 1000/-

Examination : 29.11.2019 (Friday) 10.00AM to 1.00 PM
(Reporting time 09.00AM)
Center of Examination Lucknow
(Details on admit card)

Application shall be submitted Online only, admit card will be available online it self. Online Application Procedure
1. No application form shall be received by post.
2. Online Application can be submitted on website,
3. First register and create Login ID and Password on the website as directed and keep it for all future correspondence.
4. Fill all the entries in the application form carefully and check them before final submission, as wrongly filled or incomplete application form will be rejected and no enquiry will be entertained regarding this.
5. Please take a printout of the completed application form for future records.
6. Login with the same Login ID and Password will be required for obtaining the Admit Card.
7. All communications with the candidate shall be done (if required) on his registered email ID/phone number provided on the form.

Examination‐Candidates will be allowed to enter in the examination hall only on presentation of Admit Card.
1. Examination will be of 3.00 Hours duration and will be from 10:00 AM to 1.00 PM.
2. Candidates are required to be present at the examination center 60 minutes before the commencement of the examination and to be seated 30 minutes before the time of examination.
3. No candidate will be allowed to enter in the examination hall 15 minutes after the seating time. Candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall only after completion of examination.
4. Candidates shall sign the attendance sheet when directed to do so by the Invigilators.
5. Candidates shall be allowed only with Admit Card inside the examination hall. Pagers, cellular phones and electronic gadgets of any kind are strictly prohibited in the examination hall and shall be treated as use of unfair means. Candidates are advised not to bring these in the Examination Hall as there is no provision for safe keeping.
6. There will be 200 Multiple Choice Questions in English language only.
7. There is no negative marking. Each question carries equal marks. Section A is from Q no-1-120 and Section B from 121-200. In case of tie in aggregate marks, weightage shall be given to candidates with higher marks in Section A. if still there is a tie, elder candidate shall be given advantage
8. Candidates shall enter the roll number on the top of the question booklet and no-where else. Rough work, if any, may be done on the question booklet and not on the response sheet.
9. The question booklet along with the response sheet must deposited with the Invigilator after the completion of examination, before leaving the hall. 10. No candidate should leave his/her seat of the examination hall without the permission of the Invigilator until he/she finally submits the question booklet and response sheet to the invigilator.
11. USE BALL PEN ONLY (BLUE / BLACK) provided.
12. Candidate should be careful while filling the circle provided in the answer sheet. The answer sheet shall be read by OMR Technology and marks awarded shall be final and no representation shall be entertained.
13. Candidates should ensure that the question booklet provided to them contains all the pages intact within 10 minutes of commencement of the examination.

Important Information
1. The selection of the candidates will be strictly based on merit.
2. Exam will consist of total of 200 MCQ. Section ‘A’ will have 120 MCQ’s and Section ‘B’ will have 80 MCQ’s. If there is a tie between the marks of two candidates, the one will get preference whose marks are more in Section A. In case tie exists, the candidate with higher age will be given preference.
3. The Candidate who will fill application forms for both places i.e. Prayagraj (Allahabad), Varanasi and Kanpur, have to give only one entrance Test at one center, but will have name of candidate in the merit list of the three Centers separately.
4. Any dispute in regard to any matter referred to herewith shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Allahabad High Court of Judicature, Lucknow Bench only.
5. There is no provision for rechecking of answer sheets or communication of marks obtained at the entrance examination. He/she may check his/her marks by answer key uploaded online. In case of any discrepancy, it to be has to bring to our notice within 24 hours of publishing the key.
6. Payment of examination fee:

By Credit card /Debit card (Master/Visa card only) or Net banking till 24.11.2019. Candidate can directly proceed filling of application form after payment.

Last date for submission of application form : 24.11.2019 (Sunday)

Admit card available online from : 27.11.2019 (Wednesday)

Admit card can also be obtained in person (in case of inability to download) on 28.11.2019 between 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM from Examination Section, Pariksha Bhawan,
(PHI) KG Medical University U.P, Lucknow on payment of Rs.100/-


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