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IARC Invites Application for Fellowships in Cancer Research

Clinical research courses

The mission of ETR is to coordinate the various IARC training initiatives and promote them both internally and externally. The Group is under the direction of an Education and Training Officer, with two Senior Programme Assistants managing the fellowship and courses programmes.


The application process for training fellowships in 2019-2020 is now open. Early career scientists wishing to complete their training in those aspects of cancer research related to the Agency’s mission, are invited to apply. Disciplines covered are: epidemiology (all disciplines included), biostatistics, bioinformatics, and areas related to mechanisms of carcinogenesis including molecular and cell biology, molecular genetics, epigenetics, and molecular pathology. Interdisciplinary projects are encouraged.

Fellowships are tenable at IARC in Lyon, France working in a research Group. Applicants are eligible from any low-and middle-income country as IARC is particularly keen to promote the development of expertise in cancer research in these countries by training postdoctoral researchers who can return to apply their new skills and expertise. The Fellowship is for a period of 2 years, the second year being subject to satisfactory appraisal. Candidates are required to have obtained their doctoral degree in the 5 years preceding the start date of the Fellowship. Candidates in the final year of their PhD studies are eligible to apply but must have been awarded their degree by the time of starting their Fellowship (30 November 2019 at the latest).

The working languages at IARC are English and French. Candidates must be proficient in English at a level sufficient for scientific communication. Candidates currently at IARC as fully-funded postdoctoral scientists, or candidates who have worked at the Agency as a postdoctoral scientist for a period greater than 6 months, cannot be considered. Candidates are required to contact the host Group of their choice at IARC before applying in order to interact closely to establish a proposed programme of mutual interest.

The annual stipend with dependant allowance is competitive compared with other international fellowship schemes. The cost of travel for the Fellow, and in certain circumstances for dependants, will be met, and health insurance covered. Fellowships must be taken up by 30 November 2019.

Successful applicants will be notified by end of May 2019.

More detailed information is available from:
Fellowship Programme
150 cours Albert-Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France

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