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Vacancy for Research Associate, SRF at CSMCRI

Clinical research courses

With a coastline of about 3,500 miles, inland sources in Rajasthan and Little Rann of Kutch, and the rock salt mines in Mandi, India have possibilities of attaining a high position in salt production among the salt producing countries of the world. As is known, apart from being an indispensable item of food, salt is an important raw material for the manufacture of several heavy chemicals e.g. soda ash, caustic soda and chlorine. Besides, salt is used in food processing industries, such as fish curing, meat packing, dairy products and fruit and vegetable canning.

CSIR – CSMCRI would like to engage ONE young and dynamic researcher for either a Research Associate or an SRF (extended), work in the CSIR-Emeritus Scientist’s scheme entitled “Functional modification of polysaccharides to generate new materials”, in Marine Biotechnology and Ecology Division.  The details of the available position are given below.

Research Associate
Qualifications : Ph.D (Chemistry) with one or more publications in SCI journal
Fellowship (per month) :
(a) Rs36,000/-;              
(b) Rs38,000/-; 
(c) Rs40,000/-; depending on qualification and experience:
Age limit (as on date of interview) : 35 years

SRF (extended)
Qualifications : MSc (Chemistry). Those who have submitted PhD thesis can also be selected for RAship provisionally, as SRF (extended), for one year only pending award of PhD degree, through interview. With at least one publication in SCI journal. They have to get regularized as RA after award of PhD degrees within one year.
Fellowship (per month) :
Rs20,000/- (for one year)
Age limit (as on date of interview) : 33 years


Age: Relaxable as per CSIR rules.

HRA/medical Allowances as per rule.

The candidates meeting the above requirements may attend the walk-in-interview with a copy of detailed biodata, original certificates/publications along with their attested photocopies and a passport size photograph on November 3, 2017 at 9.30 A.M. at CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, G B Marg, Bhavnagar-364002. Desirous candidates may send their bio-data to: /, in advance. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. It would, therefore, not give any candidate any right/claim implicit for claiming for extension or absorption in CSIR-CSMCRI.

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