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Career as Research Associate at NIRTH

Clinical research courses

National Institute for Research in Tribal Health (NIRTH) formerly Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals (RMRCT) is a permanent institute of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) under Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health of Family Welfare, Govt. of India.

The following position is to be filled purely on temporary and contract basis under the project, “A point-of-care device for malaria diagnosis and drug resistance genotyping” initially for a period up to June-2018 which will be extended year to year basis under the ICMR- NIRTH, Jabalpur

Post : Research Associate One-UR

Age Not exceeding 40 years.

Consolidated monthly salary in Rs. Rs. 36,000/-pm +20% HRA

Essential Qualification
Ph.D, in any branch of Life Science/ Biomedical Sciences or MD/MS/MVSc in Medical /Dental /Veterinary discipline


Desirable Qualification
Working experience in molecular biology of malaria parasites/vector with special reference to PCR DNA sequencing and sequence data analysis and field collection of malaria samples are desirable. The selected candidate is also expected to organize 7 manage the proj ect work and assist day today research work to facilitate and manage the project work.

Date, time and place of walk- in -interview 30th October, 2017 10:00 AM At ICMR-NIRTH, Jabalpur (M.P).

General Conditions:
The post is purely temporary and co-terminable with the project. Preference will be given to the candidates having higher qualification and work experience.
The selected candidates will have no claim for regular appointment under ICMR.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview.
Age / qualification may also be relaxed in deserving cases. Candidate who wishes to appear for the Walk- in-interview can download the application format given below.
Duly filled in application along-with copies of certificate should be submitted at 10:00 AM.
Late entry will not be considered.
Candidates are required to mention their complete address with Pin Code, Mobile number and E-mail ID. Candidate who are working in the project of ICMR-NIRTH should submit there applications along with NOC from Officer-in-charge & PI of the Project, otherwise their application will not be entertained.


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