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Recruitment for Pharmacists (13 posts) in UHSR - Government Job

Clinical research courses

Online applications are invited for the following Non-teaching Posts at Pt. B. D. Sharma University of Health Sciences Rohtak (Haryana). For detailed information /instructions, please visit University website Manual applications will not be accepted. The process for receipt of online applications shall start on 30.9.2016. The last date for receipt of online applications is 07.11.2016 at 11.59 PM. Date of interview schedule shall be displayed on the website No separate interview letter will be sent by post.

Post: Pharmacist

No.of posts:13
(GC=06, BC-B=02, SC=02,GC(ESM)=01, BC-A (ESM)=01,BC-A-01)

Consolidated salary : Rs.9300-34800 + 3600/- G.P.

i) 10+2 with Science Subject
ii) B. Pharmacy from an institute approved by Pharmacy Council of India and all India Council for Technical Education.
iii) Registered as Pharmacist with Haryana State Pharmacy Council.
iv) Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric standard
v) Persons with higher qualification

Age: Age 18 to 42 years

1. These posts will be governed by Rules & Regulations of Pt. B. D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak Act, 2008 as amended from time to time.
2. Date of written/screening test (if required) and interview schedule shall be displayed on the website Interview call letters and other updateswill be available on the login of the applicant. Notifications/updates will also be uploaded on the university web portal No separate letters will be sent by post, hence the applicants are advised to check the website periodically.

3. Documents to be uploaded at the time of submitting online applications in jpeg/jpg/bmp or png format-
Scanned copies of
(i) Passport size photograph< 20 KB, width 160 pixels and height 200 pixels
(ii) Signature <20 KB, width 200 pixels and height 160 pixels
(iii) Certificate for proof of date of birth (<150 KB width 600 pixels and height 800 pixels)
(iv) Certificate of passing the qualifying exam (<150 KB width 600 pixels and height 800 pixels)
4. Original Documents to be produced at the time of interview:-
(i) Date of Birth certificate.
(ii) 10th /10+2 certificate.
(iii) Graduation certificate, if applicable.
(iv) Post Graduation certificate, if applicable
(v) Caste certificate.
(vi) Haryana Domicile Certificate.
(vii) Experience certificate if any.
(viii) Sports Certificate if any.
(ix) Any other certificate.

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5. Application fee Rs. 1000/- for Class I&II posts and Rs.600/- for other various Non-teaching posts for GC Candidates is to be paid online on the University’s online application submission portal. Applicant must check his/her eligibility before depositing the fee. The application fee is non-refundable. Applicants belonging to reserved category i.e SC/BC-A/BC-B of Haryana Domicile, shall be required to deposit the fee of Rs. 250/- and Rs. 150/- respectively at the time of submitting online application. PH and ESM candidates are exempted from the application fee. As per Govt instructions, women applicants shall be 9 granted 50% concession in application fee. The applicants, who wish to apply for more than one post, will have to deposit additional fee depending on the number of posts applied for.
6. Age limit for various posts is from 18 years to 42 years and has also been mentioned against each post in the table. Relaxation of 05 years for SC candidates and 05 years for BC candidates will be given. Age relaxation of 10 years for persons with disability will be given as per Haryana Govt. policy/instructions issued from time to time and is restricted to Haryana domiciles only. The upper age limit prescribed for appointment to any service or posts shall be relaxed in favour of ex-serviceman to the extent of his military service added by three years provided – (a) He has rendered continuous military service for a period of not less than six months before his release; and (b) He was released otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency.
7. Freedom fighters and their children/grand children:-This reservation will be available only if quota reserved for Ex-Servicemen or Backward Classes remains unfilled to that extent due to non-availability of suitable Ex-serviceman or their dependents or non-availability of suitable applicants from Backward Classes. Overall reservation either from the unfilled vacancies of Ex-servicemen or from the Backward Classes for Freedom Fighters/ their children/grand children will remain limited to 2% only. This benefit will be available to all grand children i.e. sons and daughters of sons and daughters (paternal as well as maternal) of the Freedom Fighters.
8. The applicants who are already in Govt./Semi Govt./Corporation or Autonomous Body Service should send a printed copy of online application through their respective Head of Institute or ‘No Objection Certificate’ may be submitted at the time of interview failing which the applicant will not be allowed/considered for interview.
9. Applicant must also bring printed application form duly signed by him/her on all the pages along with all the original documents listed at serial number 4 of the general terms and conditions and one set of self attested photocopies of the said documents. All these should be submitted at the time of interview.
10. If the number of applications received are more than 03 times of the advertised posts then the applicants may be either asked to appear for the written/screening test or may be screened on the basis of marks of relevant academic qualification in the ratio of 1:3 (for a single post 1:5). For posts where written/screening test is required, the Admit Card may be downloaded by the applicants. The notification for conducting the written/screening test shall be uploaded on the website and no separate letters will be sent.
11. Mere submission of the online application, permission for appearing in written/screening test and call for interview does not mean that the applicant is eligible for the post applied for. The eligibility shall be verified just before the interview as per the qualifications, experience and other terms and conditions given in the advertisement.
12. Details of the Research work/Publications, wherever applicable (in annotated form) indicating index/nonindex status supported by relevant documents must also be furnished at the time of interview. Any other relevant outstanding National/Inter-national achievements in the profession supported by the documents, if any, must also be supplied.
13. Number of posts is liable to increase or decrease, including complete withdrawal without assigning any reason.
14. The SC/BC-A/BC-B/PH candidates are required to submit SC/BC-A/BC-B/PH certificate duly issued by the competent authority at the time of interview. In addition to the above any other Certificate of extracurricular activities (sports) i.e. Prize or position in an international/national/inter-university/athletic meet and college colour, if any, must also be supplied. The applicant shall be required to produce the sport gradation certificate issued by the Director Sports Haryana. ESM/DESM are required to produce the fresh Eligibility Certificate duly issued by the respective Zila Sainik Boards at the time of interview. The candidates applying for PH category should submit certificate issued by the Authorized Medical Board.
15. The posts of reserved categories will be filled up as per Haryana Govt. policy/instructions applicable/issued from time to time.
16. Three percent of the posts shall be reserved for persons with disability (PH category) for which only applicants with Blindness/Hearing Impairment and loco-motor/orthopaedic disability (40% and above) are eligible. A person who wants to avail of the benefit of reservation would have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by a competent authority on the prescribed format at Annexure D of Govt. of Haryana, General Administration Department (General Services III Branch) vide its notification No. 22/10/2013- 1GSIII dated 15.07.2014.Suitability of the persons being considered for reservation under the PH category, various types of disabilitieshave been identified for different posts as per provisions of the notification. These include: Staff Nurse-OL, Stenographer/Stenotypist-OA/OL/BL/OAL/LV, Clerk- OA/OL/OAL/BL/B/LV/HH, X-Ray Technician (Radiographer)-OL/HH, Lab Technician-OL/HH, Operation Theatre Technician-OL/HH; (OL-One Leg, BL-Both Legs, HH-Hearing Handicapped, OA-One Arm, OAL-One arm and one leg, B-Blind, LV-Low Vision).
17. In case any applicant belonging to Scheduled Castes or Backward Classes or any other reserved category applies against General Category post, he/she must fulfil the conditions of eligibility regarding age/application fee, etc. as are meant for General Category candidates (as per Govt. instructions).
18. In case any discrepancy is detected in the document submitted by the applicant or in the process of selection, at any stage even after the issue of appointment order, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the applicants.
19. The decision of the appointing authority in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of application, eligibility/suitability of the applicants, mode and criteria for selection etc. shall be final and binding on the applicants.
20. After applying for the post and payment of application fee the applicant has to take a print out of the application form and sign the declaration and append his signature on all the pages of the application form. This application form along with a set of self attested photocopies of all the documents listed on serial number 4 of the general terms and conditions should be posted by mail to “Registrar, Pt. B.D.Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak-124001, Haryana.” within two weeks after the last date of submission of online applications. Address of the sender should be written on front left corner of the mailing envelope and the post applied for should be written on the top left corner of the envelope.
21. Applicant must also bring printed application form duly signed by him/her on all the pages along with all the original documents listed on serial number 3 of the general terms and conditions and one set of self attested photocopies of the said documents. All these should be submitted at the time of interview.
22. All disputes pertaining to the recruitment of various posts shall fall within the jurisdiction of Rohtak only.
23. The prescribed qualification, experience and age limit etc. shall be reckoned as on the closing date of online submission of applications.
24. The degrees/diplomas/certificates of undergraduate/postgraduate not recognized by the MCI/UGC/Govt. Board/ Department of Education, Haryana shall render the applicant ineligible for the said post.
25. he applicants already working on contract basis in this institution may appear for written/screening test wherever applicable; however, they may be given opportunity to appear for the interview.
26. Various posts which were advertised vide Advt. Nos.1/2008, 1/2010, 1/2012, 2/2012, 1/2013, 1/2014, 2/2014 and 3/2014 for which some candidates may have applied need to apply afresh and earlier applications shall not be considered.

Closing Date: 07.11.2016

Advt. No: UHSR/Rectt./06/2016

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