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Vacancy for Senior Research Fellow at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources

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Vacancy for Senior Research Fellow at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources

National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi and Bioversity International-India, New Delhi in collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Association for Agricultural Research Insti-tutes Bangkok, are organizing the Eighth International Training Course on In Vitro and Cryopreservation Approaches for Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources’ from Nov. 5-19, 2019.

Post : Senior Research Fellow (02)

Applications are invited to attend "Interview (in-person/online through videoconferencing) ' for the post mentioned in the advertisement to work in the ICAR funded network project Towards optimization of C3 photosynthesis and understanding the functionality of C4/CAM photosynthesis genes in rice” at ICAR- NBPGR. New Delhi  mentioned below. 
Salary : Rs. 37.000 + 24% HRA for 1st  and 2nd year ; Rs. 42,000 + 24% HRA for subsequent years. 
Qualification : 1. Master’s degree in molecular biology / biotechnology / plant physiology / plant biochemistry bioinformatics / relevant discipline with the above mentioned specialization from recognized Agricultural University with 4 years / 5 years of Bachelor's degree.
2. Candidates having post-graduate degree in Basie sciences with years Bachelor's degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualifications and 2 years research: experience.
Desirable Qualification:
I. Those who are interested to register for a PhD program is desirable.
II. Research experience in molecular biology biotechnology / plant physiology / plant biochemistry / bioinformatics relevant discipline with the mentioned specialization from recognized Agricultural University as evident through research publications.
Upper age limit : 35 years (addI. 10 yrs for Pwd candidates and 5 yrs for women or SC/ST and yrs. for OBC as per GoI/ICAR norms) 

Terms and Conditions
• Candidates are requested to ensure their eligibility like age, qualification etc. before appearing for the interview.
• Age limits are relaxable to women (5 years), SC / ST (5 years), OBC (3 years). Physically Challenged (10 years) as per Government of India rules, ICAR rules.
• The candidates should have minimum 60% marks in Master Degree
• NO TA/DA and official accommodation will be provided for appearing in  the interview.
• The post is purely temporary and co terminus with the project, selected candidate have no right to claim for regularization or absorption whatsoever in ICAK/NHPGK.
• Duration of the post will be I year (completion of project) till 28th September 2025.
• The decision of Director of the institute will he final and binding in all aspects.
• The Director shall also reserve the right to terminate the contract of job as mentioned above, even before the completion of the project for which no appeal thereof shall be made
• Candidates are required to submit copy of the duly attested certificates/ mark sheets from matriculation onwards, experience certificate. certificates of NET/GATE awards, first page of research papers etc. along with application form affixing a passport size photograph on the top.
• The original certificates will be verified at the time of interview.
• The selected candidate will be required to produce medical certificate at the time of joining.

The eligible candidates who were interested may apply in the enclosed performs along with scanned copy of the original documents to the PPs e-mail address as given below latest by December 14, 2024, 5:30 PM. The position is temporary and co- terminus with the project’ tenure. After screening the applications, ONLY the short listed candidates passing through initial screening will be informed with interview details, to appear either in-person or online mode. Original documents of the candidates appearing interview in-person will be verified on the interview date. In case of online interview, the original documents will be verified at a later stage.
Application Form & More Info

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