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Career for Ph.D or M.Pharm to Join Directorate of Forensic Science, Pay upto Rs. 2 lakh pm

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Career for Ph.D or M.Pharm to Join Directorate of Forensic Science

The Directorate of Forensic Science services (DFSS) was created in the year 2002 by Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, after bifurcation from BPR&D, based on the recommendations of National Human Rights Commission and Padmanabhaiah Committee on Police Reforms. The Gazette notification to this effect was issued by MHA vide its Order no. 25011/41/2001-GPA.II/PM-II on December 31, 2002. It is headed by Director-cum-Chief Forensic Scientist.

Post : Assistant Director (Chemistry Group)

No of posts : 01 (General-01)
Department : Home Department
Description / Duties : Assistant Director (Chemistry Group), Class-1, Directorate of Forensic Science, Home Department
Pay Scale : Rs.67,700– Rs.2,08,700.(Level-11)
Probation : 2 years

Age : Minimum Age: Must have completed 21 years on the last date of Advertisement Maximum Age: Must not have completed 40 years on the last date of Advertisement Age will be calculated on the last date of the receipt of the application.

Essential/Desirable Qualification :
(b) (i) Possess a Ph.D. or M.Phil. degree in Chemistry / Bio-Chemistry / Forensic Science(with chemical Sciences) / Forensic Pharmacy / Pharmacy / Pharmacology / Forensic Nano- technology obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognised as such or declared to be deemed as University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government; Or
(c) (i) possess a post-graduate degree with second class in Chemistry / Bio-Chemistry / Forensic Science(with chemical Sciences) / Forensic Pharmacy / Pharmacy / Pharmacology / Forensic Nano-technology obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government; And
(ii) have about three years’ experience on the post not below the rank of Scientific Assistant, Class III, in the subordinate service of the Directorate of Forensic Science, Gujarat state, in Chemistry or Toxicology or Prohibition Possession or Blood Alcohol or Narcotics or Explosives divisions of the Forensic Science Laboratory; Or
(iii) have about three years’ experience of research or analytical work in the respective subject in the Government or Local bodies or Government undertaking Board or Corporation, or private analytical or Research Laboratory or Public Analytical or Research Laboratory or Limited Company established under the Companies Act, 2013 or University or college on the post which can be considered equivalent to the post not below the rank of the Scientific Assistant, Class III in the subordinate service of the Directorate of Forensic Science, Gujarat State.
(d) Possess the basic knowledge of computer Application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967.
(e) Possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.

Application fee : Candidates of General Category have to pay Rs.100/- + applicable postal charges or Rs.100/- +service charges through online mode as Application fee. While candidates of Reserved Category of Gujarat Origin only, candidates who are physically disable, Ex-Serviceman, & Economically Weaker Sections have not to pay application fee. While candidates of Reserved Category of Other States have to apply in unreserved category and have to pay application fee.

Any Other Conditions :
1. Candidate shall carefully read the Advertisement No. and Name of the Post before Applying online. Candidates shall confirm the application only after verifying the details filled in the application form.
2. Any request or representation to correct any error or omission in the confirmed online application, or information filled in by the candidates shall not be accepted.

Application Form
(1) If application is to be made for more than one advertisement, separate application shall be made for each advertisement and fee shall be paid with each application.
(2) Unreserved category candidates, if they pay a post office fee of Rs. 100 + postal charges and online fee of Rs. 10 + service charges fee to be paid. Candidates belonging to reserved categories (economically weaker sections, socially and educationally backward classes, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes) and physically challenged candidates and ex-servicemen are exempted from paying the fee. So they don't have to pay any fee.
(3) Candidates of reserved category will not have to pay application fee if they apply for unreserved seat.
(4) Where reserved posts are not mentioned in the advertisement for reserved category candidates, such candidates for unreserved posts can apply and non-reservation criteria will be applicable for their selection.
(5) Women candidates may apply in that category even if posts are not reserved for women candidates in the advertisement.
(6) In Bahrain, when certain posts are reserved for women candidates out of the total posts in that category, the remaining posts other than the reserved posts for women candidates shall not be considered as reserved for male candidates only, both male and female candidates may be considered for selection to these posts, Male as well as female candidates can apply. (E.g. out of total 10 posts, 03 posts are reserved for women candidates but against the remaining 7 posts, women candidates can also get selected.)
(7) Even if posts are reserved for female candidates only in the advertisement, male candidates can apply in that category because if female candidates are not available, male candidates may be considered for selection on these posts. But the posts which are reserved for women candidates only and if full number of women candidates are selected/are selected on that post, they will be given first consideration and if no women candidates are selected or few women candidates are selected, male candidates will be considered accordingly. will come..(Eg total 10 seats are reserved for female candidates and if 8 female candidates are selected then 02 male candidates can be selected.)
(8) Candidates who are eligible for application verification based on the result of the preliminary test, should scan and upload the required certificates/documents on the website of the Commission as and when notified by the Commission.

Last Date : 30-11-2023 till 23:59 pm

Advt.No : GPSC/202324/67

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