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Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at SCTIMST

GPAT courses

Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at SCTIMST

Originally established by the Government of Kerala as an advanced centre for medical specialties, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology SCTIMST metamorphosed into an Institution of National Importance with the status of a University in 1980 under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India by an Act of Parliament. The joint culture of medicine and technology that the Institute pioneered more than three decades ago has come of age and gained unprecedented acceptance in India.

Post : Junior Research Fellow

For Cognitive Science Research Initiative (CSRI) of DST—Wise Kiran funded Project entitled "Development of Al based neonate-infant cry analyzer and assessment of link between protophones and maternal sleep during pregnancy" P.8217

No. of vacancies : Existing - 1 (ST Backlog) (In the absence of eligible ST candidates, UR will be considered.)
Qualification (Essential) : M.Sc in Machine Learning / M.Tech in Bioinformatics / Electronics / Computer Software Engineer Qualified in any of the National Eligibility Test like - GATE or UGC-CSIR-NET or selected under National Level Exam conducted by agencies like DST, DBT, ICMR, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, NT, MSc, USER, SCTIMST, etc. or equivalent bodies.
Experience (Desirable) : Experience of Machine Learning and deep learning tools, statistics, spectral analysis of data, data cleaning and analysis

.Job description : To analyze the sound signals (cry sounds) using ML & Al tools, compilation of sleep questionnaires, statistical analysis of data and making reports pertaining to this project.
Monthly emoluments : Rs. 31,000/-+ 16% HRA
Age limit as on 31.10.2023 : 35 years

Duration : Initially for a period of 1 year, likely to be extended upto 3 years.
Mode of selection : lnterview

Date & Time of Interview : 28.11.2023, 10.30 AM
Time of reporting : 09.00 AM
Venue :  Biomedical Technology Wing, Satelmond Palace, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram-695012

Those who fulfil the above requirements may report for an interview as per the above schedule along with bio-data, original certificates and copies to prove age, qualifications, experience and a valid caste certificate (for ST candidates) in the prescribed format applicable for employment in Central Govt. Institutions issued by a Revenue Officer not below the rank of a Tahsildar. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Candidates reporting after 09.15 AM will NOT be considered for selection. Candidates already in service have to produce a No Objection Certificate from the present employer at the time of interview.

Note : Depending on the number of candidates, a written test of a qualifying nature will be conducted for initial screening and only qualified candidates will be called for interview. Marks obtained in the written test, if conducted, will not be counted for final ranking.

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