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Job for Pharmacist (06 posts) under District Programme Management Unit

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Job for Pharmacist under District Programme Management Unit

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates vide Govt. Memo No. 5656403/D2/2022-2, dated 23-03-2022 of HM&FW (D2) Dept.,& Govt. Circular Memo Rc.No.2346/CHFW/2022, dated 05-05-2022 of the Health, Medical & Family Welfare Dept., for filling up the following categories of posts under District Programme Management Unit (DPMU),National Urban Health Mission (Dr. Y.S.R. Urban Health Clinics /UPHC’s) in the East Godavari District in offline mode.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 06
Roster Points : 06- Posts Cycle-1., 6-PH.VH(W), 31 PH.HH(G),57 OC-(G), 59 OC(W), 61 OC(G)-EWS,62 SC(G)

Age : 18-42 years as on date of issue of the notification. 5years’ exemption for S.C.,S.T.,B.C.&EWS categories, Physical Handicapped for 10 years and Ex-service men for up to15 years.

Educational Qualifications
a) Candidates must have passed SSC or its equivalent exam. And mush have passed in Diploma in Pharmacy or B. Pharmacy from the recognized institutions by Govt.,of AP.
b) Candidates must be registered in the AP. Pharmacy Council.

Candidates shall submit their applications (as per the format given at Annexure-II) along with the following documents handover to the DM&HO Office, Kakinada duly making self-attestation on the Xerox copy of the Certificate.
a. Copy of SSC Certificate (Proof for Date of Birth)
b. Copy of Intermediate Certificate.
c. Copy of Academic /Technical Educational qualifications mentioned in column 6 ,against the Post applied in column 2 of the table in Annexure–I.
d. Copy of Marks Memo’s for qualification mentioned in column No.6, against each of the Post applied in Column 2 in Annexure-I.
e. Study Certificates from IV to X to define LOCAL/Non-Local Status, otherwise will be treated as NON-LOCAL
f. In case of SC, ST and BC, categories copy of Latest Caste Certificate (within one year) issued by Mandal Revenue Officers concerned, otherwise they will be treated as OC.
g. If the candidate applied for the P.H. Quota – should enclose latest Disability certificate issued by the Medical Board(SADAREM) in force.

h. Calculation of marks :
a. 75% Aggregate of marks obtained in all the years in the qualifying examination,
b. Weightage of marks15% experience in Government service including contract /outsourcing service according to 1. G.O.Ms.No. 163 HM&FW(B1) Dept., dated 12-09-2018, 2. G.O.Ms.No. 301 HM&FW(B1) Dept., dated 20-06-2020 3. G.O.Ms. No. 07 HM&FW(B2) Dept., dated 06-01-2022 as follows:
For Rural and Urban Service :
i. @ 2.5 Marks per six months in Tribal areas,
ii. @ 2.0 marks per Six months in Rural Areas
iii. @ 1.0 Mark per six months in Urban areas.
For Covid Service : The Covid staff who are appointed for a period of(6) months but were discontinued not on account of any fault on their part, shall be considered for providing weightage in proportion to days of service rendered by them. However, for calculating same, every completed month shall be taken as a unit for example for a two-month period of service rendered they shall be given 1/3rd of the weightage ie., applicable for a six (6) months’ work.
c. Weightage Up to 10 marks @1.0mark per each completed year since they passed the year of qualifying examination &after acquiring requisite qualification.

Selection will be based on the merit cum roster as per rules in force.
Recruitment process will be conducted by the District Selection Committee.
If any vacancies arised in due course of recruitment may also be filled up with available merit list.
Recruitment is on Contract basis and initially for period of one Year.

Schedule for recruitment process
Call for Applications : From 20-11-2022 at 10:00 AM to 26-11-2022 5:00 PM in all working days.
Scrutiny of Application From : 28-11-2022 to30-11-2022
Display Provisional Merit List : 01-12-2022
Calling Objections : 02-12-2022
Display Merit List : 05-12-2022
Issue of Appointment Orders : 07-12-202

NOTE : The posts notified above shall be increased or decreased at any level as per the decision taken by the District Selection Committee

Application Form

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