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Career for Pharmacists at Siddha Clinical Research unit

Clinical research courses

Career for Pharmacists at Siddha Clinical Research unit

The Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS), Chennai, an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India proposed to engage the services of the following positions on Contractual/Outsourcing basis through Walk-in Interview as per the details given below. A written test will be held, if need be, depending on the number of candidates followed by an interview on the same day of those candidates who qualify in the written test.

Post : Pharmacist – Cum - Office Assistant

No of posts : Two posts
Consolidated Remuneration  : Rs. 28000/- + EPF and ESI Benefits

1) 12th Class or equivalent qualification with Science subjects from a recognised Board or University
2) Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy of two years duration conducted by a recognised Board/ University / Institution with Siddha as one of the subjects or Diploma in Siddha (Pharmacy) of two years duration conducted by a recognised Board/ University/ Institution.
3) Between 18 and 27 years of age (relaxable of age upto 5 years for person serving/having experience with Government Sector )
Note 1 : Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Competent Authority in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Note 2 : Quantification (s) regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of the competent authority in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes if at any stage of selection the competent authority is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancy reserved for them.
Place of posting : Siddha Clinical Research unit (SCRU) Goa – 02 posts

General Instructions
1. The appointment will be initially for a period up to 31.03.2023 for the above said positions, which may be extended further period of One year.
2. The term of engagement for the positions of Consultant (Admin) shall ordinarily be for an initial period not exceeding one year which is curtailed in the midway or extended at any time at the discretion of the competent authority by another one year. Beyond two years after the age of superannuation where adequate justification exists, the term may be extended based on a review of the task and the performance of the contract appointee, provided it shall not be extended beyond five years after superannuation.
3. The engagement of above posts will be purely on contractual/Outsourcing basis and will not confer any right for regular appointment in the Council. The number of posts may vary according to need and place of posting.
4. The candidates who fulfill the above said requirements may only attend the walk-in-Interview alongwith an application in the prescribed format {Annexure - I for Consultant (Admin), Annexure-II for Medical Consultant (Siddha), Research Associate (Siddha) and Program Assistant (Siddha), Annexure –III for SRF (Publication), Annexure – IV for Pharmacist –cum –Office Assistant and Therapist (Siddha) and Electrician, Annexure – V for Office Assistant (Hindi), MTA and Housekeeping}.
5. The candidates should bring with them the originals of all the documents/certificates etc. for verification.
6. The Competent authority reserves the right to postpone/cancel the recruitment process at any stage. The Selection Committee has the right to select or reject the application of any candidate.
7. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the Interview.
8. Verification of documents will be done before the interview. The candidates should assemble at the CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN SIDDHA (CCRS) GST Road, Tambaram Sanatorium, Chennai – 600 047 for verification of originals certificates. The place of Interview and verification of certificate and other documents will be held at CCRS Hqtrs, Office Chennai Tambaram Sanatorium, Chennai.
9. The Interview for the any of the position may be done in virtual mode also with the consent of Selection Committee members.
10. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. Candidates are requested to see the Council’s website on regular basis for any new announcement in this regard. Corrigendum, if any at later stage will be uploaded in the Council website only.

Date/time/ Venue of test/ interview : The Council will be intimated through email and mentioned in the Council website also.

List of ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS to be submitted on the day of interview
1) Age proof - Matriculation/10th Standard / HSC or equivalent certificate – No other document like TC /University certificate/Registration certificate /passport will not be accepted
2) Educational Qualification: 10th /12th Certificate, All semesters/year-wise mark sheets. Degree / PG certificate issued by Recognized University. Registration Certificate in the case of Medical Consultant (Siddha), Research Associate (Siddha) and Program Assistant (Siddha).
3) Certificate: SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer) certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format (if age relaxation is claimed) in the case of all the above positions except Consultant (Admin).
4) Certificate of Experience: Certificate indicating clearly the name of the Organization duration of employment (date, month & year), nature of duties, pay drawn, etc.
5) Service Particulars- in case of Consultant (Admin) : (i) copies of service book entries or certificates indicating clearly the name of the Organization, duration of employment (date, month & year), nature of duties, last pay drawn, etc. (ii) Copy of Pension Payment Order

Note : The candidates should also attach with the application form duly affix one passport size colour photograph, one set of self-attested photocopies of all the above documents/certificates, etc.

How to Apply
Filled the Application form along with supporting documents should be submitted through Post (Speed or Registered post) or through to our email id latest by 22.11.2022. All the attachments are required in single PDF only.

Application Form & More Info

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