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Doctoral Degree in Pharma Job under SERB sponsored project at Visva Bharati

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Doctoral Degree in Pharma Job under SERB sponsored project at Visva Bharati

Founded by the first non-European Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Thākur(popularly known as Tagore) in 1921, Visva-Bharati was declared to be a central university and an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament in 1951. The President of India is the Paridarsaka (Visitor) of the University, the Governor of West Bengal is the Pradhana (Rector), and the Prime Minister of India acts as the Acharya (Chancellor). The President of India appoints the Upacharya (Vice-chancellor) of the University. In May 1951, Visva-Bharati was declared to be a Central University and An Institution of National Importance by an Act of Parliament. It was granted the status of a unitary, teaching and residential university. The status and function of all the major institutions have been redefined in successive Amendments.

Post : Senior Project Associate (SPA) - one (01)

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Project Associate to work on a SERB-sponsored research project “Characterization of molecular candidates regulating ovulatory response vis-a-vis oocyte bioenergetics in zebrafislt: susceptibility to environmental contaminants" (Ref. No. CRG/2023/002389) under Prof. Sudipta Maitra, Principal Investigator (PI), SERB project, Department of Zoology, Siksha Bhavana, Visva Bharati.

Essential Qualification :
1. Master’s Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences / MVSc or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent; and
2. Four years’ experience in Research and Development in industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services OR Doctoral Degree in Science/Engineering/Technology/Pharma/MD/MS from a recognized University or equivalent
Desirable : Experience in handling zebrafish and knowledge of fish reproductive physiology with publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Fellowship : Rs. 42,000/ per month plus HRA as per Visva-Bharati rules.
Job Description : To undertake research activities under the sanctioned project in the laboratory of the PI.

Duration : The duration of the project is tenable up to March 2027, depending on the progress of the work and continuation of the fund. Other terms and conditions will be governed by SERB guidelines and Visva- Bharati rules.
Upper Age Limit :  40 years as on the last date of submission of application (relaxable as per Govt of India rules/norms for specific cases)

Application procedure
Interested and eligible candidates may send the following by email to Prof Sudipta Maitra, Principal Investigator, Department of Zoology, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan-731235 ( on or before 30th May, 2024.
1. The application in an email mentioned, “Application for SPA position SERB Project,your name''
2. Detailed CV (name, educational qualification, research experience certificate endorsed by appropriate authority, address, contact details - email, mobile number/WhatsApp number).
3. Self-attested copies of all testimonials.
Candidates shortlisted for interview will be intimated through e-mail and must produce original copies of the testimonials for verification.

Venue : The interview will be conducted online.

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