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Vacancy for Pharmacist in District Health Society

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Vacancy for Pharmacist in District Health Society

Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is an important initiative aiming at early identification and early intervention for children from birth to 18 years to cover 4 viz. Defects at birth, Deficiencies, Diseases, Development delays including disability.

Post : Pharmacist - 03 posts

Educational Qualification :
B) Diploma in Pharmacy
C) Registered with Pharmacy Council
Remuneration Consolidated Pay per month (in Rs.)  : Rs 21,000/-
Rule of Reservation : Rules of Reservation in respect of Community, Disability, Ex Service Men/Women shall be strictly observed as per the A.P., State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996, read with the relevant Specific Rules applicable. To start with roaster point 1 under each category. The Rule of Reservation to Local candidates is applicable as per Presidential order. The vacancies, for the posts mentioned in G.O Ms No 68, falling in Scheduled areas should be filled exclusively with the local scheduled tribes.

The minimum age is 18 years and the maximum age is 44 years. The minimum and maximum age shall be reckoned as on 01-07-2021 with the following relaxations allowed for reckoning the maximum age limit as per rules:
i. For S.Cs., S.Ts & BCs 5(Five) years.
ii. For ex-service men 3(Three) years in addition to the length of service in armed forces.
iii. Disabled persons 10(ten) years.

The recruitment is made on contract basis and the contract is initially for a period of one year and renewal will be as per the need and NHM yearly plan(PIP) and also subject to satisfactory performance. However, every year new contract has to be signed and valid for the period as indicated in the contract.
Recruitment shall be done by the District Selection Committee for the District Health Society. Notification has to be issued in newspapers by the District Health Society (Model notification is enclosed)
The District Selection Committee shall consist of the following members:
a. District Collector - Chairman
b. DMHO - Member-Convener
c. Deputy Director, Social Welfare - Member
d. DCHS - Member
a. Any other member the Chairman wishes to include - Member

Selections will be done based on the following criteria:
a. Total Marks are 100 of which 90 marks will be allotted basing on the marks obtained in qualifying examination and 10 marks will be awarded for the age. Weightage for age will be reckoned from 18 years of age of the candidate. 0.5 mark will be awarded for one completed year of age with a maximum of 10 marks. The age will be reckoned as on 1.7.2021. (Example 1. If a candidate completes 20 years as on 1.7.2021, he will be awarded 1.0 mark; Example 2. If a candidate completes 30 years of age as on 1.7.2021, he will be awarded 6.0 marks; Example 3. If a candidate completes 40 years of age as on 1.7.2021, he will be awarded 10.0 marks).
b. Merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained with above criteria and displayed on website for transparency.
c. Selection list will be prepared from the finalized merit list duly following the rule of reservations and presidential order.

a. Applications forms along with the instructions can be downloaded from official websites of respective districts.
b. Filled in application forms shall be submitted in person or through registered post to the respective District Medical & Health Officers to the district to which the candidate is applying. Applications which are received after due dates will be summarily rejected. District Selection Committee is not responsible for postal delays.
c. Self attested copies of the following certificates shall should be enclosed along with the application form.
1. S.S.C or Equivalent examination
2. Intermediate or 10+2 examination
3. Qualifying Examination Pass Certificate
4. Marks memos of all the years (qualifying examination)
5. Registration certificates of respective councils.
6. Latest Caste certificate issued by the Tashildhar/MRO concerned
7. Study certificate for the years from 4th class to 10th Class and in case of Private study residence certificate from the Tashildhar /MRO concerned
8. PH certificate in respect of candidates Claiming reservation under PH Quota
9. Relevant Certificates in respect of candidates claiming Ex Service man Quota
10 1 photographs duly pasted on the application form
11. Acknowledgement Card

Application Form>>

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