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Vacancy for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc in QC Department at Micro Labs Limited

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc in QC Department at  Micro Labs Limited

Established in 1973, Micro Labs Limited is a multi-faceted healthcare organization with a proficient marketing team, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and R&D centres that are at par with international standards. All this, robustly backed by a strong distribution network and path-breaking research work has placed us amongst India's fast growing transnational healthcare organizations.

Candidates with experience in handling of HPLC, GC. Dissolution apparatus and other laboratory equipments Must have experience in Stability testing / Validations / RM / FP analysis and familiar with calibrations. Experience in Operation of basic QC instruments is must Should be familiar with quality systems followed in the analytical Lab and GLP / GMP / OOS / OOT / Lab investigations Strong analytical and communication skills are desirable.

[For Quality Control Department (ML - 01)]
Executive/ Sr-Exe. - for validation, Stabillity & Routing QC sample analysis
Education : M.Sc., / B Pharm.. M.Pharm.,
Experience : 2 to 7 years
Regulatory market (USFDA / MHRA / TGA / WHO) and LIMS work exposure is preferred

Date & Time : 08.05.2021 (Saturday) at 10.00 AM to 2.00
Venue : Micro Labs Limited (ML- 01). No.92, Sipcot Industrial Complex. Phase -1, Hosur

Please carry a copy of Updated CV, original and photo copies of all educational certificates, latest salary revision letter, Aadhar, PAN card & salary slip of last 3 months and a color passport size photograph.

If you unable to attend Walk-in interview. Send your updated CV to

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