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Pharmacists (10 posts) Openings at District Health Society

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Pharmacists Openings at District Health Society

District Health Society, Reasi invites applications on prescribed format from the eligible candidates of District Reasi against following categories of posts to be hired on contractual basis for a period of 03 months under Emergency COVID Response Package (ECRP), NHM.

Post : Lab. Technician / Pharmacist / FMPHW / MMPHW

No. of posts : 10
Criteria : District Level
Remuneration : Rs. 12000/ -per month
Qualification required :
For Lab Tech:-
Qual: - Matric with Diploma in Lab Assistant/FMPHW/MMP W/training course from SMF or any other recognized institute.
Age:- Upto 45 Years
For Pharmacist:-
Qual: - 10+2 with Diploma in Pharmacy training course from SMF or any other recognized institute.
Age:- Upto 45 Years

Selection Criteria :
For Lab. Tech/FMPHW/MMPHW :-
I) Screening Test= 60 points
ii) Matric= 10 Points
iii) Diploma in Lab Assistant/FMPHW/MMPHW training from SMF or other recognized instituted 5 points
iv) Viva Voce = 15 points
for Pharmacist:-
i) Screening Test= 60 points
ii) 10+2 =10 points
iii) Diploma in pharmacist from SMF or other recognized instituted 5 points
iv) Viva Voce= 15 points
Total= 100 points
Note:- Item (i) to (iii) on Prorata basis

Contractual Terms & Conditions
1. The selection will be done as per the above-mentioned criteria strictly as per the merit.
2. Contract will be offered by the District Heath Society Reasi for a period of 03 months only.
3. District shall be considered for Medical District Level posts, block shall be considered for Medical Block level posts and Revenue village shall be considered for village level posts. Where -ever word District and Block is used would mean Medical District and Medical Block and Not “CD District/Block.
4. Only Degrees/diplomas from recognized universities/institutions shall be considered for eligibility.
5. Incomplete application forms in any respect shall be rejected.
6. Application forms can be rejected by the screening committee if found not falling as per required criteria.
7. The hired candidate shall have to execute an agreement/bond with the District Health Society Reasi on a prescribed format which is available at Chief Medical Officer’s officer, Reasi.

8. The hiring shall not confer any right/claim to the appointee(s) for absorption in the Department on regular or contractual basis.
9. Number of posts is indicative only and may increase or decrease as per the availability.
10. Other details regarding this advertisement notification can be had from the office of District Health Society Reasi (CMO Office Reasi).
11. In case of female married candidates for the above said posts, the residential proof will be considered from in-law side or marriage certificate or Domicile certificate.

Interested Candidates may submit their application forms alongwith attested copy of testimonials and one recent passport size photograph pasted on the application form w.e.f. 01th May 2021 to 10th of May 2021 between 10.30 AM to 4.00 PM (except Gazetted holidays and Sundays) following COVID-19 SoPs, in the office of the Vice Chairman District Health Society (Chief Medical Officer, Reasi).

Application Form & More Info>>

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