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CoVID-19 Project Recruitment at NBRI

Clinical research courses

CoVID-19 Project Recruitment at NBRI

The CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute is amongst one of the constituent research institutes of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. Originally set up as the National Botanic Gardens (NBG) by the State Government of Uttar Pradesh  it was taken over by the CSIR in 1953. Though, initially engaged in research in the classical botanical disciplines, the NBG went on laying an increasing emphasis, in keeping with the national needs and priorities in the field of plant sciences, on its applied and developmental research activities.

Project Title : " CoVID-19 Project at CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow”

Project Associate-I (03 Posts)
Essential Qualifications : Master's Degree in Natural Sciences including Medicinal / Laboratory Technology / Biotechnology / Microbiology / Virology / Biochemistry / Biomedical Sciences / Biological Sciences / Agricultural Science / MVSc OR Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualification : Candidate is expected to work on testing of SARSCOV2 virus using methods like Real time - PCR and others. Therefore, the candidate with experience in the Microbiology / Virology / Medical Laboratory Technology will be preferred.
Age : 35 years
Stipend : Rs. 25000/- p.m. + HRA

Age : Age of the candidate will be reckoned as on date of walk in interview. However, age is relaxable for all the positions as per Government of India/CSIR rules.

a) Mode of Selection: Through online Interview only. Interested candidates, meeting essential qualifications and age limit will be interviewed by the duly constituted Selection Committee on MS-Teams platform. The candidates must send their e-mail ID and Whatsapp number to latest by 12 noon of 04th May, 2021 to enable CSIR-NBRI for sending the MS-Teams meeting link to the candidates. Based on the performance in the interview, a panel of recommended candidates will be prepared. The panel shall be utilized as and when the requirement arises in the project. Candidates have the option to interact in Hindi/English before the committee.
b) The positions are purely temporary on contract basis and co- terminus with the sponsored project.
c) To avoid any inconvenience, only those candidates who strictly fulfill the eligibility criteria and possess the degree/mark sheet should turn up for interview.
d) The Selected candidates will be informed through e-mail, after the interview. The joining of the selected candidate will be subject to meeting all the required qualifications, age and verification of their original documents.

Date of on-line Interview : 05-05-2021 (Wednesday) Time: 10:30 A.M.
Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001
No TA/DA will be admissible.

Application Form>>

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