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Vacancy for Pharmacists (09 Posts) at Indira Gandhi Hospital run by Delhi Government

Clinical research courses

Career for Pharmacists at Indira Gandhi Hospital

IGIMS was established on 19th November 1983, as an autonomous organisation on the pattern of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. The objective was to provide super specialty medical facilities in Bihar. On 27th January 1983 Cabinet approved the completion of this massive project in 4 phases within a span of six (6) years. According to the decision of State Government, 130.20 Acres of land was transferred to IGIMS.

Post : Pharmacist

Following professionals are urgently required on short term / adhoc basis to man COVID CARE CENTRE AT INDIRA GANDHI HOSPITAL, DWARKA run by Delhi Government. Walk-in interviews are scheduled at Indira Gandhi Hospital from 9.30 am to 4.30 PM on the dates mentioned against the posts.

Number of Posts : 9
Honorarium per day per shift (INR) : As per rates prescribed by the H&FW Deptt, GNCTD
Minimum Qualification : As per Recruitment Rule

1. The above posts are purely on short term / adhoc basis for initial period of 3 months / upto 31st July 2021 till whichever is earlier.
2. The period of engagement can be extended as per requirement of Health and Family Welfare Department, GNCTD.
3. All relevant documents in original must be produced at the time of interview and self attested copies of all documents along with two passport size photographs to be submitted.
4. No TA/DA shall be paid for the interview.

Walk-in interviews are scheduled at Indira Gandhi Hospital from 9.30 am to 4.30 PM
Date and time of interviews : 17th May 2021


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