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Walk in interview for Research Assistant at NARI

Clinical research courses

National AIDS Research Institute [NARI] was established in October 1992 in Bhosari, Pune on a seven acre plot. The Institute has progressively expanded its activities in various aspects of research on HIV and AIDS through infra-structural development, capacity building & research programmes. The present infrastructure includes the Institute housed in a 28024 sq. mtr space, residential accomadation for the staff, a power plant to ensure uninterrupted power supply and an incinerator for safe disposal of bio-waste.

Post : Research Assistant

No of Posts : 04 (Rajasthan- 04)

Essential Qualification : Graduate in Science /relevant subject from a recognized University with three year of work experience from a recognized institution or Masters in Sociology /Master’s degree in the relevant subject

Desirable Qualification :
1) Experience in the field of HIV AIDS
2) Exposure in field based health surveys
3) Experience in working with High Risk groups like FSW,MSM,IDU and H/TG
4) Good computer knowledge.
5) Fluency in local regional language for respective state.
6) Good people interaction and communication skills 7) Willing to travel
8) Good English language skills

Job Responsibilities :
1) Coordination of project activities (meetings, trainings, data collection and other field work) under the supervision of Project Coordinator/PI.
2) Coordination with concerned authorities
3) Comprehensive planning, implementation and timely completion of fieldwork which includes visiting Hot spots, conducting FGDs, KII
4) Any other duties that may be assigned by the nodal officer from time to time

Salary : Rs.29,565/-

Age : 30 years

Interested candidates are invited to appear for walk-in-written exam & skill test for the post of Research Assistant along with application on the following address for Rajasthan as per prescribed format giving full bio-data and copies of proof of age, qualifications, experience etc. with a demand draft for Rs. 300/-, drawn in favor of the Director, National AIDS Research Institute. SC/ST/PH and women are exempted from payment of application fee. Candidates belonging to OBC should produce Non-creamy layer certificate from the competent authority empowered to issue such certificate at the time of written exam and skill test. Age and experience is relaxable in deserving cases. Government servants should apply through proper channel or enclose ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the present office/employer along with the application. Director, ICMR- NARI reserves the right to shortlist the candidates to be interviewed. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or bringing political or other influence with regards to the selection shall be considered as a disqualification.

Walk in Interview in Rajasthan
Date & Time :
14th June 2019 at 10.00 am
Venue : Rajasthan State AIDS Control Society
Directorate of Medical & Health Services,
Swasthya Bhavan Tilak Marg C-Scheme, Jaipur, Rajasthan

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