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Research Training Fellowship-Developing Countries Scientist (RTF-DCS) Scheme by Department of Science & Technology (DST)

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Hyderabad is an "Institute of National Importance" with proclaimed objectives of becoming Centre of Excellence for advanced research in pharmaceutical sciences. NIPER-Mohali was the first institute established in the year 1998 under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the Govt. of India. Later, the DOP established 6 new NIPERs across the country including NIPER-Hyderabad which started functioning from 19th October 2007, from the premises of erstwhile R&D Centre of IDPL, Balanagar, Hyderabad.

Applications are invited from researchers, and scientists from Developing Countries for award of this fellowship for conducting research in Indian institutions across all areas of science and technology.

The Research Training Fellowship-Developing Countries Scientist (RTF-DCS) Scheme is a flagship funding program started by Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), as their implementation partner to support young researchers and scientists from Developing Countries (except India) to work at any of the Indian research/academic Institution. This prestigious fellowship aims at capacity building of young researchers and scientists of Developing Countries working in the field of science and technology and further strengthen the bond between India and other countries. This fully funded fellowship is for a period of six months each with financial support for international travel, subsistence allowance, research contingency and domestic travel etc.

• Capacity building for young researchers
• Promote mobility of scientists and researchers
• Facilitate exchange of information, contacts and create a network for building research collaborations
• A spin-off opportunity to get co-supervisors from India for their research projects for Ph.D. or Master's degree

The objective of Research Training Fellowship- Developing Countries Scientist (RTF-DCS) Scheme is to provide opportunity for researchers and scientists from Developing Countries to conduct research under the guidance of a host scientist in India in order to advance their own research capabilities while fostering scientific and technological cooperation between India and other countries.

All fields of natural and engineering sciences, including mathematics and statistics. Humanities and behavioural sciences are not covered under this scheme.

Number of Fellowships every year: Sixty (60)

Fellowship Duration: Six (06) months

• Applicant must hold nationality of any of the developing country (except India)
• Masters Degree in any Natural Sciences or an equivalent degree in Technology / Engineering / Medicine / allied disciplines
• Upper age limit: 45 years as on date of submission of application
• Applicant should be a Ph.D pursuing student or working in a national R&D or academic institution in his/ her home country

Please note
# Applicants who have already availed RTF-DCS in any one of the previous years are NOT eligible to apply.
#Applicants who had applied in any of the previous years but were unsuccessful or could not avail it may re-apply for the current year.

Terms & Conditions of Award
• Round-trip air ticket in economy class from the place of employment in respective home country to the Indian airport nearest to the Indian host institute, through shortest route •  Monthly Fellowship @ Rs.50,000 for six months for accommodation, meals and other miscellaneous
•  One-time research contingency grant of INR 30,000/- for chemicals, consumables, airport transfer, and local travel etc.
•  Additional one time INR 20,000/- to cover overhead expenses for Indian host Institute

Mandatory Documents to be submitted
• Copy of Relevant Pages of Passport
•  Copy of an endorsement from present employer, duly filled in and signed, along with Signature of the applicant
•  A copy of the letter/email from any Indian scientist/ institution with consent to accept you to work with them

•  All the enclosures as above must be submitted along with the application. Applications without any of the mandatory enclosures will be rejected

Fund Utilization Guidelines
• Monthly fellowship to be paid to the candidate by host institute on a monthly basis for covering living expenses.
• Contingency grant will remain with the host institute and will be given to the candidate as and when required. The candidate and Host Indian scientist is required to produce original bills and vouchers to the host institute for availing reimbursements from this grant.
• Contingency grant may be utilized for meeting institutional fee/lab fee, consumable materials, chemicals, equipment, books and journals, including photostat copies, micro-films, typing, stationery, postage, field work and travel expenses for the Fellow in connection to airport transfer for the international travel with approved research project with approval of host scientist.
• Contingency grant is NOT intended for meeting expenditure on furniture, utensils, items normally provided by the College/University/Institution and payment of examination or other fees such as admission/registration/tuition fees etc.
• No funding provision under this fellowship is applicable for – Honorarium for host scientists OR Institution fee/Lab fee.

Language of Application
All application forms submitted for this fellowship must be in ENGLISH. Application forms submitted in any language other than English will not be considered for selection process.
All supporting documents submitted along with application form must also be in ENGLISH. If original document(s) is/are in any language other than English, please enclose authenticated copy of English translation.

Selection Process
Call for Application in the Developing Countries (except India)
Initial Screening by DST & FICCI
Selection Committee Meeting: By the subject matter experts shortlisting the applications, based on merit, and proposed research plan
Announcement of Selected Fellows through programme website
Selection/Award letter to Fellows by FICCI

Fellow to share a mutually agreed (with Indian host) travel itinerary with FICCI
•  Selected Fellows to approach FICCI for air ticket
•  Upon issuance of air ticket, FICCI to disburse the Fellowship amount to Indian Host Institute
•  Arrival of scholar in Indian Host Institute

Steps to Apply
Call for Application – Open throughout the year
Hard Copies of the form or any enclosure will not be

DST Contact
Mr. RK Sharma
Scientist-E (Director Grade)
International Cooperation (Multilateral / Regional)
Department of Science & Technology
Ministry of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110016

FICCI Contact
Mr. Nirankar Saxena
Deputy Secretary General, S&T/Innovation
Ms. Ritika Kishore
Senior Assistant Director, S&T/Innovation
FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg
New Delhi-110001 (INDIA)


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