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Recruitment for Pharmacists at Employee State Insurance Corporation Hospital

Clinical research courses

The promulgation of Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948(ESI Act), by the Parliament was the first major legislation on social Security for workers in independent India. It was a time when the industry was still in a nascent stage and the country was heavily dependent on an assortment of imported goods from the developed or fast developing countries. The deployment of manpower in manufacturing processes was limited to a few select industries such as jute, textile, chemicals etc. The legislation on creation and development of a fool proof multi-dimensional Social Security system, when the country's economy was in a very fledgling state was obviously a remarkable gesture towards the socio economic amelioration of a workface though limited in number and geographic distribution.

Ayurvedic Pharmacist - 01 UR

Qualification Experience : Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy from Govt, or recognized institution. Three year experience in Ayurvedic Pharmacy in recognized institution and Registered under Ayurveda Act 1948 with the competent pharmacy council

Duties/Remuneration  : To work for 5 hours a day (9 am to 2 pm); Six days a week. Rs.11,360/- per Month (Rupees eleven thousand three hundred and sixty only) (Consolidated).

Age : Not exceeding 32 years as on 31.05.2019.

Homeopathic Pharmacist - 01 UR

Qualification Experience : Diploma in Homeopathic Pharmacist from recognized state board with 3 years experience in Homeopathic Pharmacy in recognized institution and Registered under Pharmacy Act 1948 with the competent pharmacy council. (If Diploma in Homoeopathic Pharmacy candidates not available, Certificate course candidates from Govt, or recognized institution will be considered).

Duties/Remuneration  : To work for 5 hours a day (9 am to 2 pm); Six days a week. Rs.11,360/-per month(Rupees eleven thousand three hundred and sixty only) (Consolidated).

Age : Not exceeding 32 years as on 31.05.2019.

Interested Candidates are advised to attend WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on the dates mentioned below, at ESIC Hospital, C.B. Ganj, Sleeper Road, Bareilly with application in the prescribed performa, all original documents, one set of Xerox copies of all original documents and two recent passport size photographs(one affixed on the application)

Date and Reporting Time : 31.05.2019,09.00AM to 11:00 AM

1. AII the candidates should have to report in the office of medical superintendent ESIC Hopital, C.B. Ganj Barelly, UP at 9 AM to 11 AM on the stipulated date.
2. No TA/ DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview.
3. ESI corporation may increase or decrease or cance filling up of any or all the post without assigning am reason at the discretion of the Appointing Authority. The number of vacancies may change.
4. Selected candidates will have to sign agreement of terms and conditions on Rs. 100 stamp own prior to joining.
5. On the engagement of SR/ full time / part time specialist will have to deposit Security money of Rs. 10,000/- through demand draft on favor of ESIC Fund Account No.1 at the time of joining, which is refundable after completion of engagement period and on production of “No Dues Certificate”.
6. Interested candidates may appear for the walk in interview as per given schedule along with their original documents and Xerox copies in support of their date of birth, proof of educational qualifications, Experience certificates, Caste certificate as per Govt, of India formats, Non- Creamy layer Certificate as per Govt, of India format valid for the current year/ latest in case of OBC, Aadhar card Copy.

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