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Career at Desert Medicine Research Centre as Scientist

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Desert Medicine Research Centre, a permanent  research centre under Indian Council of Medical  Research, Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India,  invites applications from suitable India n Nationals for appointment on the following posts up to  24 th May 2016

Post: 01

Scientist ‘B’ ( Life  Science) - One  Post (Reserved  for  person  with  Hearing  Disability) : Pay Band - 3 Rs. 15600 - 39100+ Grade  P ay Rs. 5400
Essential qualifications :
First class Master’s degree in Life Science from a recognized university
2nd Class M.Sc. +  Ph.D . in. Life  Science from a recognized university.

Desirable Qualifications:
i)  Doctorate in  above mentioned subject from  recognized Institute(s)
(ii)Additional   Post   doctoral   research/teaching   experience   in relevant  subject   in  recognized institute .
(iii) Knowledge of computer application.
iv)Two  years  R&D/Teaching  experience  in  relevant  subject  after  obtaining  essential  qualification.

Job  Requirement :
To  plan  and  undertake  independent  research /to assist in Centre’s  research programme.
PhD  or  MD  degree  in  relevant  subjects  shall  be  treated  equivalent  to  three  years  experience respectively Candidates with MD/PhD degree will be preferred for direct recruitment

Age limit:.

Not  exceeding  35  years.  Relax able  up  to  5  years  for  Government  servants  and  SC/ST/OBC and  PH Candidates  in  accordance  with  the  instructions  issued  by  the  Department  of  Personnel  and  Training  from  time  to  time  in  this  regard  However,  the  prescribed  age  may  be  further  relaxed  in  exceptional  cases  for  experienced  and  qualified  candidates  if  they  mee t  essential  qualifications  and  experience.  One  time  age  relaxation  is  also  allowed  to  Scientific  and  Technical  staff  working  in  long - term  projects  in  ICMR  Institutes/Centers  for  posts  advertised  under  HRSC,  2007  provided  for the post with a view to provide them opportunity to compete with other candidates  as  per  Council’s  letter  No.6/1/2007 - Admn.II  dated  28.3.2011.  General  Relaxation  Clause
2 . Qualification   and   Experience   will   be   relax - able   in   deserving   cases   as   per   the  Recruitment  Rules  of  Health  Research  Sc ientists  cadre  of  ICMR  under  Rule  14  and  Note: 1 & 2 of Schedule - III. 4 
3 . The  Age  Relaxation  for  Reserved  category  (SC/ST/OBC)  applicant  is  admissible  only  in  case  of  Vacancies  reserved  for  such  categories.  The  Reserved  categories  applicant  who applies against posts meant for UR category are not entitled to get age relaxation. 
4 . The applicant belonging to Physically handicapped (PH) category are entitled to get age  relaxation  as admissible  to them for the post meant for Unreserved  category, if such  post are identified  suitable  for the PH category.

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Other Service Condition:

(1) Allowances as per Central Government Rules are admissible on the above pay scale.  (2)  Benefits  of  new  restructured  defined  Contributory  pension  system (NPS) are  admissible  as  per the provision contained in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic A ffairs (ECD  &  PR  Division),  Notification  No.5/7/2003 - ECD  &  PR  dated  22/12/2003  effective  from  01/01/2004.
(3) Private practice is not allowed, however, non - practicing allowance is admissible to medical  graduates only as per rule. 
(4)  Applications  from  employees  working  in  Central/State  Govt.  Departments,  Public  Sector  Undertakings and Govt. Funded Research agencies must be forwarded through Proper Channel.  Advance copies of application will be considered subject to the condition that a  “No Objection  Cer tificate”  from  the  employer  is  produced  at  the  time  of written  test/ personal  discussion.  Application received after the closing date will not be considered. 
(5)  This post is with all India transfer liability.

How to apply:
Application  form  and  other  information  can  be  obtained  from  the  office  of  The  Director,  D esert   Medicine   Research   Centre, Jodhpur  or   downloaded   from  ICMR   Website or DMRC Website on or before the closing date 24.05.2016 . Application form duly completed in all respects and signed by the applicant should  be  sent  on  the  above  mentioned  address  and  should  reach  to  the  Institute  on  or  before  the  closing date along with attested copies of the Certificates in support of date of birth educational  qualification, experience etc. and crossed Indian Postal Order (IPO) for Rs.100/ - (Rupees One  Hundred Only) in favor of  Director, Desert Medicine Research Centre, Jodhpur payable  at  Jodhpur .   SC/ST   and   Physically   Handicapped   ca ndidates   (PH)   are   exempted   from   the  application  fees.  IPOs  are  payable  by  all  other  candidates  including  ICMR  employees.  Incomplete/late  applications  or  without  postal  order  will  not  be  entertained.  Application  received after the closing date for whatever  reason is liable to be rejected.

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