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Vacancy as Pharmacy Assistant in BHEL

Clinical research courses

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited is one of the leading MAHARATNA Public Sector Undertaking, Country’s Premier Engineering Organization which provides world-class products and services to the core sectors like Power, Industry, Transportation, Transmission, Defense, Electronics, etc.

BHEL, Jhansi invites applications for its well equipped Hospital with excellent infrastructure from Para Medical Professionals of Indian origin for appointment on Fixed Tenure Basis for a period of Two years.

Post: Pharmacy Assistant

No.of post: 01- UR

Minimum Qualification: Matric / SSLC. Diploma / Degree in Pharmacy as approved by the Central/ State Govt. Should be registered under Pharmacy Council Act.

Upper Age Limit: 32 years

Composite Compensation: Rs. 23,460/- p.m.

Emoluments & Benefits: Selected candidates will be appointed on Fixed Tenure Appointment basis for a period of two years only and a remuneration amount as mentioned against each post in the above table will be paid per month.

Candidates will be reimbursed premium for Mediclaim Policy up to Rs. 2 Lakhs for self and family (Self, Spouse and dependent Children). The present financial liability on this account shall be limited to a maximum of Rs 350/-p.m. Candidates will not be eligible for subsidized company accommodation, reimbursement of conveyance expenditure, LTC/LTA, Contributory Provident Fund (PF), Gratuity, Group Insurance etc.

Candidates will be entitled for paid earned leave of one day for every 20 days of work in addition to declared paid holidays.

General Instruction:
1. Mere conformity to the job requirement will not entitle for calling / shortlisting for Interview. Management reserves the right to reject the application without assigning any reason.
2. No correspondence will be entertained with the candidate not selected for interview/tenure appointment.
3. Incomplete application or other than the one prescribed in this advertisement will not be entertained.
4. Candidates should enclose their self-attested photocopy of qualification/ experience, certificates, registration certificate, if any, and caste certificate, if applicable, etc, along with the application form.
5. Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and / or an application in response thereto can be instituted only at Jhansi and in the Courts / Tribunals / Forums of Uttar Pradesh shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction.
6. A Non-refundable Bank Demand Draft for Rs. 100 in favour of BHEL, Jhansi payable at State Bank of India, BHEL Branch, Jhansi, UP (Branch code 3807) is to be enclosed. Candidates are advised to write their Name, Code No. & Post on back side of Demand Draft.
7. No application fee is payable by SC Candidates.
8. Short listed candidates will be informed through our website for interview / Final selection. No other mode of communication will be done. For all future information/updates please visit our website after the last date of receipt of applications.
9. The recruitment process can be cancelled / suspended / terminated / without assigning any reasons. The decision of the management will be final and no appeal will be entertained.
10. Candidates will be subjected to medical examination by the Company’s Doctor prior to their appointment after due selection.

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Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may send their application on plain white A4 size paper (neatly handwritten or typed) in the prescribed format, which can be downloaded from our website, indicating the Code No. and Post applied for on top of the Envelope cover.

Complete applications along with recent passport size photograph duly signed and affixed on right hand corner of Bio-data form along with Demand Draft, if required and one set of self-attested mark sheets / certificates, registration, caste certificates and experience or any other certificate if any should reach to Sr. Deputy General Manager (HR), BHEL, ADM Building, Jhansi (UP) – 284120 latest by 10.06.2015.

Incomplete Applications shall be rejected.

Last date for receipt of Application form is 10.06.2015(4:45PM).

Advertisement No. 01/2015


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