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CSIR-CIMAP requires Scientist/ Sr. Scientist, Technical Assistant

Clinical research courses

The CSIR-CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF MEDICINAL & AROMATIC PLANTS (CIMAP), Lucknow, a premier institute under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) involved in multidisciplinary R&D programmes invites applications from enthusiastic young and dynamic Indian Nationals having excellent academic record/proven scientific achievements/requisite experience with ability to undertake R&D in an innovative way for scientific positions and having ability to undertake Technical/Supporting jobs to help in R&D activities of Scientists for Technical posts. The details of the positions and the respective emoluments as well as age limit as per norms are given below:

Post: Scientist/ Sr. Scientist, Technical Assistant

Scientist/ Sr. Scientist (Botany & Pharmacognosy) 01 post reserved for SC candidate
Pay band & grade pay: Rs.15600- 39100 (PB-3) Grade Pay: Rs. 6600/- for Scientist Rs.7600/- for Sr. Scientist
Essential qualification & experience: Ph.D. thesis submitted in the area of Botany for Scientist OR Ph.D. in the area of Botany with two years postdoctoral research experience in related area for Senior Scientist.
Desirable qualification & experience: Working experience in plant taxonomy involving molecular techniques as evident from research publications
Job specification/ Likely post of posting: Survey and collection of medicinal and aromatic plants, taxonomy of the plants and identification of new plant species. Place of work: Lucknow

Technical Assistant (Chemistry/ Instrumentation) 02 posts 01 reserved for PWD-HH & 01 for OBC candidate
Pay band & grade pay: Rs.9300- 34800 (PB-2) Grade Pay: Rs. 4200/-
Essential qualification & experience: Ist Class B.Sc. (Sci.) with Chemistry as one of the subject with one Year full time professional qualification or one year experience in running/ operating analytical instruments from a recognized Institute/ Organization.
Desirable qualification & experience: M.Sc. in Organic/ Analytical/ Pharmaceutical Chemistrty.
Job specification/ Likely post of posting: Operation and maintenance of sophisticated instruments, especially, NMR, IR, HPLC, LC-MS etc.Place of work: Lucknow

Other conditions
a. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
b. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions, stipulated in the advertisement as on the last date of submission of applications (01.06.2015). They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for various posts as on the last date of submission of applications (01.06.2015). No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates. The candidate should therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and experiences in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with documents.
c. The application should be accompanied by self attested copies of the relevant educational qualification, experience. The prescribed qualifications should have been obtained through recognized Universities/Institutions etc. Incomplete applications/applications received without or not accompanied with the required certificates/documents are liable to be rejected.
d. In respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce order/letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated otherwise the Application is liable to be rejected.
e. The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily wages, visiting/guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experience for short listing the candidate for interview.
f. If any document/certificate furnished is in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript of the same duly attested by a Gazetted officer or notary is to be submitted.
g. The date for determining the upper age limit, qualifications and/or experience shall be the closing date prescribed for submission of applications (01.06.2015).
h. The period of experience in a discipline/area of work, wherever prescribed, shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational qualifications prescribed for that Grade.
i. Persons with disabilities (PWD) fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed under GOI instructions are encouraged to apply.
j. Only outstation candidates called and found eligible for interview will be paid to and fro single second class rail fare from the actual place of undertaking the journey or from the normal place of their residence whichever is nearer to Lucknow Railway Station on production of Rail Tickets/Rail Ticket Numbers or any other proof of journey.
k. Candidates of Indian origin settled abroad and of proven merit, as evidenced by their research work/publications, if found suitable for the posts applied against Post Code I-VII (Scientific posts), may be considered by the Selection Committee, in Absentia, on specific request of the candidate.
l. Any discrepancy found between the information given in application and in original documents will make the candidate ineligible for appearing in interview. Such candidate will not be paid any fare.
m. The decision of the CIMAP/CSIR in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, and conduct of examination/interview will be final and binding on the candidates.
n. The selected persons should be ready to serve at any of the offices/Research Centres of CSIR-CIMAP located at Lucknow, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pantnagar, Purara (Distt. Bageshwar) or at any place of posting in India as per need of CSIR-CIMAP R&D activities.
o. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.

(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
P.O. CIMAP Campus, Lucknow- 226015

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Last date for submission of applications is 1st June, 2015 up to 5:00 PM


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