The U.P. Public Service Commission was constituted on 1 April, 1937 under Section 264 of the Government of India Act 1935, with its headquarters at Allahabad. From 1904 to 1949 Allahabad was the capital of the United Provinces (now, Uttar Pradesh). It was to consist of a Chairman and two members. Two days after its establishment, Mr. D.L. Drake Brockman, I.C.S. took over as the first Chairman.
Post :- Lecturer (Pharmacy)
Number of vacancies :- 11
Medical Education Department
Department No.- S-8/01,
Category wise number of vacancies:- Vertical Reservation:- 06- Unreserved, 02-SC, 02-OBC, 01-EWS
Horizontal Reservation :- 02- Female
Pay Scale :- Level-10
Age Limit :- 21 to 40 years.
(Age relaxation is permissible as per rule to the reserved category candidates.),
Essential Qualification :- Post Graduate Qualification in the respective subject.
Ayush (Homoeopathy) Department. U.P. Department
Department No.- S-11/02
Post :- Reader (Homoeopathic Pharmacy)
Number of vacancies :- 03
Category wise number of vacancies:- 02-UR, 01-OBC
Pay Scale :- Level-11, Pay Scale - Rs. 67700-208700/-
Age Limit :- 28 to 45 (Age relaxation is permissible as per rules.)
Essential Qualification :- Post Graduate qualification in Homeopthy with four years of teaching experience as Assistant Professor/Lecturer in the concerned subject in a Homeopathic College of Degree level. The qualification shall be the one included in Second Schedule of Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.
(B) Preferential Qualification : Experience as Supervisor/Co-Supervisor or Guide/Co-Guide for post Graduate Course in Homeopathy.
2. Research Experience in a Research Institution recognised by the concerned University or State Government or Central Government.
Note:- 1. Experience certificate of full time salaried post from an institution recognized by the Government should be issued by the appointing authority and countersigned by the Registrar / Director of the State (Homoeopathy) Medical Council or any competent authority of the Government. Experience of honorary and part time Institute post will not be valid. Experience of Assistant Professor / Professor at the time of appointment in the basic department will be valid.
Special Instruction
(1) The claim made by the candidates regarding category, sub-category, domicile, gender, date of birth, EWS, creamy layer, name and address till the last date / modification date of online application will be valid only. No request for change will be accepted after the last date. In case of submission of wrong information, the candidature will be treated as cancelled.
(2) Incomplete Online Application-Form shall be rejected and no Correspondence/representation in this regard shall be entertained.
(3) If the claim made by the candidate in the application is not found to be true, if at any stage it comes to the knowledge of the commission that the candidate has concealed or misrepresented any information, his candidature shall be rejected and action may be taken to debar him/her from this and all future selections/ examinations of the commission and other punitive action may also be taken.
(4) As per decision of the UPPSC a candidate will be liable to be debarred from this selection and all other future examinations and selections upto a maximum period of five years for furnishing any wrong information in his/her application form which cannot be substantiated by relevant documents orfor any other malpractice.
(5) If any change is to be made in the personal detail mentioned in the O.T.R. it will be mandatory to Synchronise it on the Dashboard after that change. Otherwise change will not be allowed. In this regard any on-line/off-line representation will not be accepted for error correction/amendment. Incomplete application will be cursorily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
(6) The candidature of such candidates who are subsequently found ineligible according to the terms laid down in advertisement will be cancelled. The decision of the Commission regarding eligibility of the candidates shall be final.
(7) The Application/candidature will be rejected/cancelled if the Application form is not submitted on prescribed form, date of birth is not mentioned or wrong date of birth is mentioned, candidate is overage, under age, dose not possess the minimum educational qualifications, applications received after last date and cases of no signature under declaration in the format.
(8) The Commission may admit the candidates provisionally after summarily checking their applications but if it is found at any stage that applicant was not eligible or his/her application was not found entertainable initially, his/her candidature will be rejected and if the candidate is selected and recommended by the Commission, the recommendation made by the Commission for the appointment shall be withdrawn.
(9) In the event of involvement of a candidate in the concealment of any important information, pendency of any case / criminal case, conviction, more than one husband or wife being alive, submission of facts in a distorted manner, malpractice, canvassing for candidature/selection etc, the Commission reserves the right to reject the candidature and debar him from appearing in the selection in question and in all other future examinations and selections.
10. "In case the desired documents are not produced by the candidates present at the time of verification of documents, it will be compulsory for them to produce the desired documents within the period prescribed for this purpose as per the decision of the Hon'ble Commission. In case the desired documents are not produced by the candidate within the said prescribed period, the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled. If any candidate does not appear for document verification on the prescribed date of verification of original documents, then assuming that he is not interested for the post in question, his candidature will be cancelled."
Application Fee : After completing the process of First and Second Stage in the online application process, deposit the fee category wise as per the instructions given in the Third Stage. The prescribed fee is as follows:-
(i) Unreserved / Economically Weaker Sections/Other Backward Classes : Application fee Rs. 80/- +On-line process fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 105/¬
(ii) Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes : Application fee Rs. 40/- +On-line process fee Rs. 25/-Total = Rs. 65/-
(iii) Disabled Category : Application fee NIL/- + On-line process fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 25/-
(iv) Ex-Servicemen : Application fee Rs. 40/- + On-line process fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 65/-
(v) Dependents of the -According to their original Freedom Fighters/ category Women/Skilled Player
Important Instructions
1. The knowledge of Hindi is essential.
2. The date of calculation of age (except where indicated otherwise) is 1s'July, 2025. The maximum age-limit shall be relaxable by five years for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribe, Other backward class, Skilled players of U.P. of Classified games (for the post of Group 'B' and 'C' only) (Only domiciled persons of U.P. are entitled for such age relaxation) and State Govt. Employees of U.P. including Teachers/ Staff of the Basic Shiksha Parishad of U.P. according to G.O. No. 1648/79¬5-2015, dated 19 June, 2015 and Teachers/Staff of the Government Aided Madhyamik Vidyalayas of U.P. as per G.O. No. 1508/15-08-2015-3057, dated 16 September, 2015. The upper age limit shall also be greater by 3 years + period of service rendered in army for the emergency commissioned officers/short service commissioned officers/Ex-Army personnel of U.P. It is essential for them to be discharged from army upto the last date of receipt of application. Relaxation of 15 years in the upper age limit will be admissible to P.H. candidates.
3. Conditions of Eligibility : In case of emergency commissioned/short service commissioned officers (For age relaxation only):- In accordance with the provisions of the G.O. No. 22/10/1976-karmik-2-85, dated 30-1-1985 Emergency Commissioned/Short Service Commissioned Officers who have not been released from Army but whose
period of Army service has been extended for rehabilitation, may also apply for this examination on the following conditions: (A) Such applicants will have to obtain a certificate of the competent authority of Army, Navy, Air Force to the effect that their period of Service has been extended for rehabilitation and no disciplinary action is pending against them. (B) Such applicants will have to submit in due course a written undertaking that in case they are selected for the post applied for, they will get themselves released immediately from the Army Service. The above facilities will not be admissible to Emergency/ Short Service Commissioned Officers, if (a) he gets permanent Commission in the Army, (b) he has been released from the Army on tendering resignation, (c) he has been released from the Army on grounds of misconduct or physical disability or on his own request and who gets gratuity
4. After receipt of application in the Commission, any request for change in the qualification and category will not be entertained.
5. The original certificates are required for verification at the time of interview. Candidate will then also be required to submit his/her passport size photograph attested by head of department or head of the institution, where he/she received last education or by a Gazetted Officer.
6. Candidates serving under Central or State Government will have to produce "NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE" from their employer at the time of interview.
7. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate will be final.
8. Candidates of any reserved category, if they want the benefit of reservation, must mention their category/subcategory (one or more than one, whichever) in the column related to
O.T.R. because all the personal information will be automatically displayed in the application form from the O.T.R.
9. With regard to claims made in the 'On-line Application', the candidate shall submit the following original certificate/ certificates in the prescribed format, when asked for by the Commission. If the certificates are not submitted in time, the candidature shall be cancelled.
10. The candidates of reserved categories will be adjusted against the unreserved category in the final selection only if he/she has not availed any benefit/ concession in qualifying standard at the stage of Screening Examination.
11. The Commission do not advise to candidates about their eligibility. Therefore, they should carefully read the advertisement and apply only when satisfied about their qualifications in terms of the advertisement.
12. Be sure to mention the name of Post applied for, advertisement number, department number, date of birth, 0. T.R. No. and Application ID for correspondence with the Commission.
13. Candidates are required to hold essential qualification till the last date of receipt of On-line application.
14. The candidates whose candidatures are cancelled, do not remain candidates after the cancellation of candidature, therefore the marks of such candidates shall not be provided.
15. The Commission reserves the right of cancelling the candidature of any candidate found indulging in any malpractice i.e. copying in examination hall or indiscipline, misbehavior or canvassing for his/her candidature. On violation of these instructions, the candidates may be debarred from this selection as well as future Examinations and selections. In this regard, decision of the commission shall be final. The Provisions of Uttar Pradesh Examination (Prevention of unfair Means) Act-2024, dated 06 August, 2024 will be applicable in aforesaid selection.
16. Ifit is found that a candidate has submitted any forged documents he/she will be debarred from all selections of UPPSC forever and action under relevant articles of Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita will also be taken againsthim/her.
17. In case the candidates feel any problem in the "On-line Application" they may get their problem resolved by sending their queries to the 'Mail Box' of the Commission.
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